(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
3311.84, 3311.85, 3311.86, 3313.41, 3313.411, 3313.412, 3313.975, 3314.012, 3314.016, 3314.10, 3314.35, 3314.351, 3314.36, 3316.07, 3318.08, 3319.02, 3319.071, 3319.10, 3319.112, 3319.12, 3319.13, 3319.14, 3319.141, 3319.143, 3319.151, 3319.18, 3319.283, 4117.25, 4141.29, 5705.192, 5705.21, 5705.212, 5705.215, 5705.216, 5705.218, 5705.261, 5748.01 SB335 MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS-COMMUNITY SCHOOLS (TURNER N, LEHNER P) To revise the management of municipal school districts and community schools located within municipal school districts.
Current Status: 9/12/2012 - Referred to Committee House Education
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 124.36, 2903.13, 2921.02, 3302.03, 3302.04, 3302.061, 3307.01, 3311.71, 3311.72, 3311.74, 3311.741, 3311.742, 3311.751, 3311.76, 3311.77, 3311.78, 3311.79, 3311.80, 3311.81, 3311.82, 3311.83, 3311.84, 3311.85, 3311.86, 3311.87, 3313.975, 3314.10, 3316.07, 3319.02, 3319.071, 3319.10, 3319.112, 3319.12, 3319.13, 3319.14, 3319.141, 3319.143, 3319.151, 3319.18, 3319.283, 4141.29, 5705.192, 5705.21, 5705.212, 5705.215, 5705.216, 5705.218, 5705.251, 5705.261, 5748.01 SB339 FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS (SCHAFFER T) To establish education programs and continuing education requirements for the fiscal officers of townships and municipal corporation, to establish procedures for removing those fiscal officers, county treasurers, and county auditors from office.
Current Status: 11/28/2012 - Senate State & Local Government & Veterans Affairs, (Second Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 117.411, 267.50, 3313.30, 3314.50, 3314.51, 3326.211, 3328.16, 3328.37, 507.12, 507.15, 733.78, 733.81, 9.831
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