(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
ORC Sections: 3313.666, 3313.667, 3319.073, 3333.31
HB121 ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE PARENTS (ROSENBERGER C) Regarding child custody and visitation rights of parents called to active military service. Current Status: 6/9/2011 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Eff. 6/9/2011 Comments: None ORC Sections: 3109.04, 3109.051 HB135 FREE SCHOOL MEAL BENEFITS (BURKE D) To require direct certification of students for free school meal benefits at least five times each school year. Current Status: 3/16/2011 - House Education, (Second Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 3313.813, 3314.18 HB136 PARENTAL CHOICE AND TAXPAYER SAVINGS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM(HUFFMAN M) To proreplace the Educational Choice and the Cleveland scholarship program with the Parental Choice and Taxpayer Savings Scholarship Program. Current Status: 9/21/2011 - REPORTED OUT AS AMENDED, House Education, (Eighth Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 109.57, 109.572, 3301.0714, 3310.02, 3310.03, 3310.06, 3310.27, 3310.28, 3310.29, 3310.30, 3310.31, 3310.32, 3310.33, 3310.34, 3310.35, 3310.37, 3310.38, 3310.51, 3317.03, 5727.84 HB137 UNIFORM DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE (PHILLIPS D, DRIEHAUS D) To create a generally uniform definition of employee for specified labor laws and to create a uniform standard to determine whether an individual performing services for an employer is an employee of that employer. Current Status: 5/25/2011 - House Commerce, Labor & Technology, (First Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 121.083, 1349.61, 4111.02, 4111.14, 4113.15, 4115.03, 4121.01, 4123.01, 4123.026, 4141.01, 4175.01, 4175.02, 4175.03, 4175.04, 4175.05, 4175.06, 4175.07, 4175.08, 4175.09, 4175.10, 4175.11, 4175.12, 4175.13, 4175.14, 4175.15, 4175.16, 4175.17, 4175.18, 4175.99, 5747.01 HB153 BIENNIAL BUDGET (AMSTUTZ R) To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2013, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs. Current Status: 6/30/2011 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Effective 6/30/2011; some sections
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