(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
Elections Comments: None ORC Sections: 3521.11, 3521.12
HB326 USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS (MCCLAIN J, HILL B) To prohibit a person from using public funds for specified purposes and to specify that a person or a political subdivision who violates the prohibition is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor. Current Status: 6/5/2012 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Eff. 9/5/2012 Comments: http://www.lsc.state.oh.us/analyses129/12-hb326-129.pdf ORC Sections: 3599.40, 9.03 HB331 CYBERSECURITY EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (DOVILLA M, BUBP D) To create the Cybersecurity, Education, and Economic Development Council. Current Status: 6/26/2012 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Eff. 9/28/2012 Comments: None ORC Sections: 121.92 HB335 SEXUAL/GENDER DISCRIMINATION (ANTONIO N, MCGREGOR R) To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Current Status: 3/28/2012 - House Commerce, Labor & Technology, (First Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 124.93, 125.111, 1501.012, 1751.18, 2927.03, 3113.36, 3301.53, 3304.14, 3304.50, 3313.481, 3314.06, 3332.09, 340.12, 3721.13, 3905.55, 4111.17, 4112.01, 4112.02, 4112.021, 4112.04, 4112.05, 4112.08, 4117.19, 4735.16, 4735.55, 4757.07, 4758.16, 4765.18, 5104.09, 5107.26, 511.03, 5111.31, 5119.623, 5123.351, 5126.07, 5515.08, 5709.832, 717.01, 9.03 HB338 COMPREHENSIVE SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION (SLESNICK S) To establish statutory standards for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV/AIDS prevention education in public schools and to designate section 3313.6011 of the Revised Code as the "Act for Our Children's Future." Current Status: 11/9/2011 - Referred to Committee House Education Comments: None ORC Sections: 3313.60, 3313.6011, 3314.03, 3326.11 HB355 TAXPAYERS CONTRIBUTE TO STATE (BLAIR T) To allow taxpayers to contribute an amount to the state through their income tax returns and designate how the state must use the contribution. Current Status: 2/8/2012 - House Ways and Means, (First Hearing)
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