(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
Current Status: 6/12/2012 - Consideration of Senate Amendments; House Does Not Concur Vote 4-88 Comments: None ORC Sections: 3313.41, 3313.412 HB376 HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE-AUTISM (CELESTE T, GARLAND N) To prohibit health insurers from excluding coverage for specified services for individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Current Status: 11/29/2011 - Referred to Committee House Health and Aging Comments: None ORC Sections: 1739.05, 1751.68, 3923.84 HB381 SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY (SLABY L) With respect to offering school district property to state universities. Current Status: 3/14/2012 - House Education, (Third Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 3313.41 HB388 PERS RETIREE BENEFIT (DAMSCHRODER R) To suspend, during the period of employment, the retirement benefit of a public retirement system retiree who returns to public employment. Current Status: 12/6/2011 - Referred to Committee House Health and Aging Comments: None ORC Sections: 145.01, 145.191, 145.38, 145.384, 145.386, 145.471, 145.473, 145.58, 145.82, 3307.35, 3307.352, 3307.354, 3309.341, 3309.344, 3309.346, 3501.13, 742.26, 742.261 HB391 2012 PRIMARY ELECTION (HUFFMAN M) To establish a single primary election on May 22, 2012, for the purpose of nominating all candidates for election in 2012 Current Status: 12/14/2011 - Bills for Third Consideration; Pending Committee Report Comments: None ORC Sections: 3501.02 HB392 ABUSED-NEGLECTED CHILD PLACEMENT (GROSSMAN C, COMBS C) To prohibit a public children services agency, private child placing agency, private noncustodial agency, or juvenile court from placing an abused, neglected, or dependent child in an
out-of-state residential facility that does not comply with Ohio polici Current Status: 4/24/2012 - House Judiciary and Ethics, (Second Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 5103.24, 5103.241, 5103.25, 5103.26
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