(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
5301.68, 5301.69, 5705.392, 5705.41, 5709.40, 5709.41, 5709.73, 5709.77, 5713.041, 5715.13, 5715.19, 6115.20, 6119.02, 6119.10, 703.21, 731.141, 735.05, 737.03, 749.26, 749.28, 749.31, 753.15, 755.29, 755.30, 9.833 HB510 MBR-FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TAX (AMSTUTZ R) To impose a new tax on financial institutions, effective January 1, 2014, and to provide that such institutions are no longer subject to the corporation franchise tax or dealers in intangibles tax after 2013. Current Status: 6/13/2012 - Senate Ways & Means & Economic Development, (Third Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 122.17, 122.171, 122.85, 145.114, 145.116, 149.311, 150.01, 150.07, 150.10, 3307.152, 3307.154, 3309.157, 3309.159, 5505.0610, 5505.068, 5701.12, 5703.052, 5703.053, 5703.70, 5707.03, 5709.76, 5711.22, 5725.02, 5725.14, 5725.16, 5725.26, 5725.33, 5726.01, 5726.02, 5726.03, 5726.04, 5726.05, 5726.06, 5726.07, 5726.08, 5726.10, 5726.20, 5726.21, 5726.30, 5726.31, 5726.32, 5726.33, 5726.36, 5726.40, 5726.41, 5726.42, 5726.43, 5726.50, 5726.51, 5726.52, 5726.53, 5726.54, 5726.55, 5726.56, 5726.57, 5726.98, 5726.99, 5733.01, 5733.02, 5733.021, 5733.06, 5747.01, 5747.65, 5747.98, 5751.01, 5751.011, 5751.012, 5751.54, 5751.98, 715.013, 742.114, 742.116 HB511 MBR-TAX CREDIT ADMINISTRATION CHANGES (BECK P, GONZALES A) To make various changes to the administration of the investment tax credit, the venture capital loan loss tax credit, and the New Markets tax credit. Current Status: 6/12/2012 - Referred to Committee Senate Ways & Means & Economic Development Comments: None ORC Sections: 121.22, 122.15, 122.151, 122.152, 122.153, 122.154, 122.28, 122.30, 122.31, 122.32, 122.33, 122.34, 122.35, 122.36, 150.03, 150.05, 150.07, 150.10, 184.02 HB512 MBR-STATE PROPERTY CONVEYANCES (MAAG R) To correct the legal property description in a previously authorized conveyance of state-owned real estate, to authorize the Governor to execute the necessary deeds for the conveyance of thirteen state properties. Current Status: 5/8/2012 - House State Government and Elections, (Fourth Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 753.25
HB513 MBR-LEASE AGREEMENTS (MAAG R) Regarding lease agreements. Current Status: 5/1/2012 - House State Government and Elections, (Third Hearing)
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