(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
3311.80, 3311.81, 3311.82, 3311.83, 3311.84, 3311.85, 3311.86, 3311.87, 3313.975, 3314.10, 3316.07, 3319.02, 3319.071, 3319.10, 3319.112, 3319.12, 3319.13, 3319.14, 3319.141, 3319.143, 3319.151, 3319.18, 3319.283, 4141.29, 5705.192, 5705.21, 5705.212, 5705.215, 5705.216, 5705.218, 5705.251, 5705.261, 5748.01 HB529 FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS (HAGAN C) To create fiscal accountability requirements for public schools, counties, municipal corporations, and townships. Current Status: 5/15/2012 - House Local Government, (First Hearing) Comments: None ORC Sections: 117.411, 267.50, 2921.44, 305.03, 319.04, 319.26, 321.37, 321.38, 321.46, 3313.30, 3314.011, 3314.023, 3314.50, 3314.51, 3326.211, 3328.16, 3328.37, 507.12, 507.15, 733.78, 733.81, 9.831 HB547 SCHOOLS-PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX PHASE-OUT (PILLICH C) To modify the school district reimbursement schedule for the loss of revenue from the tangible personal property tax phase-out. Current Status: 5/22/2012 - Referred to Committee House Ways and Means Comments: None ORC Sections: 5751.20, 5751.21 HB553 KIDS AND COMMUNITIES FIRST GRANT PROGRAM (PHILLIPS D, DRIEHAUS D) To create Kids and Communities First Grant Program and to make an appropriation. Current Status: 5/16/2012 - Referred to Committee House Finance and Appropriations Comments: None ORC Sections: 126.65 HB555 ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE RATINGS SYSTEM (STEBELTON G, BUTLER, JR. J) To revise the current academic performance ratings system for public schools with a system under which districts and schools are assigned letter grades. Current Status: 5/23/2012 - Referred to Committee House Education Comments: None ORC Sections: None HB573 STATE-WIDE DATA CENTERS (SCHURING K) To require the development and operation of state-wide data centers, to authorize the issuance of securities to fund the data centers, and to make an appropriation. Current Status: 6/27/2012 - Introduced Comments: None ORC Sections: 123.25, 123.26, 123.27, 123.28, 123.29, 123.30, 123.31, 123.32, 123.33,
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