(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
private nonprofit entities.
Current Status: 2/16/2011 - Referred to Committee Senate Education
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 109.57, 3313.61, 3317.03, 3319.31, 3319.311, 3328.01, 3328.02, 3328.03, 3328.04, 3328.11, 3328.12, 3328.13, 3328.14, 3328.15, 3328.17, 3328.18, 3328.19, 3328.191, 3328.192, 3328.193, 3328.20, 3328.21, 3328.22, 3328.23, 3328.24, 3328.25, 3328.26, 3328.31, 3328.32, 3328.33, 3328.34, 3328.35, 3328.36, 3328.41, 3328.45, 3328.50, 3328.99, 4117.01 SB86 COMMUNITY SCHOOL - DYS ADULTS (SAWYER T) To permit the establishment of a community school to serve adults of school age who are incarcerated or who have been released from the custody of the Department of Youth Services and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: 5/11/2011 - House Education, (First Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3314.019
SB88 TAX CREDITS FOR DONORS- LOW INCOME STUDENTS (JORDAN K) To authorize nonrefundable tax credits for donations to nonprofit entities providing scholarships to low-income students enrolling in chartered nonpublic schools. Current Status: 4/14/2011 - REPORTED OUT AS AMENDED, Senate Ways & Means & Economic Development, (Fourth Hearing)
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