1.6.17 BASA Member Update
BASA Member Update January 6, 2017
1. Hot Topics:
• AASAMedicaid Survey • Two Important Deadlines Approaching this Month • Are You Receiving BASA Emails? 2. Superintendent Licensure Program 3. 2016 The Management Guide to School Administrators
AASA Medicaid Survey As AASA looks ahead to their first and biggest fights of 2017, they are preparing for a major battle related to Medicaid. This year, there will be a serious debate on the Hill about changing Medicaid’s financing structure to a per capita cap or block grant. Given that 50% of Medicaid enrollees are children and that any alternative financing structure proposed by the GOP will result in less money for school-based Medicaid services, they read this policy proposal as an attempt to limit healthcare coverage for students in our schools. A block-grant and a per-capita system will mean less money for districts to utilize for critical health and wellness services for students and fewer professionals in school buildings who can serve all students. It could also jeopardize district compliance with IDEA since many districts use Medicaid reimbursement to pay for the services provided by specialized instructional support personnel. We are asking you to please take this 5-question survey: http://survey.k12insight.com/survey.aspx?k=SsUVURsRTXsPsPsP&lang=0&data Please take a minute to take the survey and forward it onto your friends/colleagues. The survey will expire on January 9th . Our goal is to get 1,000 school leaders to respond. Please be one of them. Two Important Deadlines Approaching This Month 1. The Federal Quota registration system is a count of students with visual impairments, and this then generates funding to meet the needs of those students. Ohio’s Assistive Technology and Accessible Educational Materials Center uses the available funding to secure audio, braille, digital, and large print textbooks and educational aids, which are then made available for students. Last month, the Center mailed the 2017 Federal Quota Registration of Blind Students to every Ohio school district. If you have not completed and returned this information, please do so by Friday, January 27, 2017 . 2. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.7112, all districts are required to report annually the number of students with diabetes enrolled in the district during the previous school year and the number of errors associated with the administration of diabetes medication to students during the same time period. The information is collected through a survey available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZG38KN3 The survey will remain open until Tuesday, January 31, 2017 . Are You Receiving BASA Emails? BASA has received a few calls from members about not receiving the following BASA Emails, which have been sent through a separate emailing system : - BASA Upcoming Events Email (sent out bi-weekly) - BASA Member Update Email (sent out bi-weekly) Please respond to this email or email latham@basa-ohio.org if this is the FIRST email, from the above list, you have received from us. We want to ensure all our members are receiving all updates and upcoming events.
Superintendent Licensure Program
University of Dayton/BASA Superintendent Licensure Program - Cohort The UD/BASA Superintendent Licensure Program-Cohort is a unique collaborative program designed to maximize the professional expertise and resource base for superintendents from BASA and the approved licensure program and demanding curriculum of the University of Dayton. The program will provide a cohort of Ohio educators with a convenient, rigorous, practice-based program leading to an Ohio license as a superintendent. Up to 25 Ohio educators will be admitted into the program by the University of Dayton. The cohort group will complete the University of Dayton’s approved program Leading to Licensure as an Ohio Superintendent Instruction of the coursework will be provided by University of Dayton faculty, R. Kirk Hamilton, Executive Director of BASA; David Axner, Deputy Executive Director of BASA and Jerry Klenke, CEO/ President of the Ohio School Leadership Foundation.
Classes will be held at: Buckeye Association of School Administrators 8050 N. High St. Conference Room Columbus, OH 43235
University of Dayton / BASA
Superintendent Licensure Program
To Register 1) Contact the University of Dayton for pre-qualification questions. 937-229-3738 2) Complete admission form for the EDA Superintendent Program through the University of Dayton at https://apex.udayton.edu/admission/grad/ 3) Contact Janice Keivel with questions and to notify of intention to participate in the Cohort Program. UD Contacts : Dr. David Dolph ddolph1@udayton.edu Janice Keivel jkeivel1@udayton.edu
Questions: Contact BASA: 614-846-4080
The Management Guide for School Administrators
2016 The Management Guide for School Administrators BASA
Compiled and Published by Buckeye Association of School Administrators
The Management Guide for School Administrators has been completely reviewed and updated for 2016. The new edition is now formatted in an easy, more efficient layout to minimize the time it takes to find answers: NEW for 2016
• Updated Calendar Year of Duties • Changes to OTES • New Graduation Requirements • All New References to the Ohio
• Revised Code Organized • Alphabetically by Topic • Over Fifty (50) References and Resources, Including: - Operating Levy Options - Specific Offenses Barring Employment or Licensure
- College Credit Plus - And Much More!
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