2016 BASA Fall Conference Program
Premier Partners Cont’d
Shafley Plan Management Services/ Optimal Health Initiatives Contact: Elaine Shafley (513) 896-2300 eshafley@ohi-online.org www.ohi-online.org
Squire Patton Boggs, LLP Contact: Matthew Sagone (614) 365-2700 matthew.sagone@squirepb.com www.squirepattonboggs.com
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Contact: Adam Miller (614) 221-2838 amiller@taftlaw.com www.taftlaw.com
University of Dayton Contact: Dr. David A. Dolph (937) 229-3348 ddolph1@udayton.edu www.udayton.edu
Voya Financial Advisors Contact: Terry Harrell (614) 431-5090 terry.harrell@voya.com www.voya.com
Walter/Haverfield LLP Contact: Christina Peer (216) 928-2936 www.walterhav.com
Thank you BASA would like to extend a sincere “Thank you” to all of our Corporate Partners, Exhibitors and Sponsors for supporting the conference.
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