AdvantaCORE Flyer 10-21-15
Animated publication
BASA and AdvantaCORE Present: “The Instructional Audit” Presenters: Linda Romano, Educational Consultant; Dale McVey, Educational Consultant, Former Hilliard City Schools Superintendent
Date & Location...
October 21, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Hamilton County ESC
11083 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Do you consider instruction to be the top priority of your school district? Are you looking for a way to assess your current instructional programs and strategically plan for the future? Would you like to have your community feel that your instructional programs and practices best meet the needs of your student population? Then you are encouraged to attend the workshop offered by AdvantaCORE School Improvement Solutions on “Conducting the Instructional Audit.” The instructional audit is an investigation by external instructional experts who sample a multitude of com- ponents related to instruction in your school district. Instructional and administrative processes are ob- served on-site, and areas of strength and need are identified. The investigation ends with a detailed written analysis of the district’s instructional programs and practices and recommendations for improvement.
“AdvantaCORE has helped our district identify areas of challenge so that we might better address the chang- es we need to make to adapt to changing accountability demands. Just going through the process has been eye-opening for me” - Jon Saxton, Superintendent of Chillicothe City School District
“We were interested in taking an in-depth look at our instructional strengths and weakness as a district, and we were committed to hiring experienced professionals with proven success in the field. It quickly became clear that AdvantaCORE was the best choice to lead us in this work.” -Brian D. Hamler, Superintendent of
Whitehall City School District
“The Instructional Audit”
October 21, 2015
Complete registration form and mail to: BASA, 8050 North High Street,
Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 or Fax to (614) 846-4081 or Register on-line
Full Name:_______________________ Title:__________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________
Address/City/State/ZIP: _____________________________________________
Phone: _____-_______-______ Fax:________-________-_______ Email:_______________
Date: October 21, 2015
Location: Hamilton County Educational Service Center
Fee: $50.00
For additional information, call BASA at 614-846-4080
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