BASA Events Update 1.10.2020
Social Media: Making Sure You are Crisis-Ready (and That You Do Not Cause One) On Social Media Where do First Amendment Rights intersect with Common Courtesy? Wednesday, February 26, 2020 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
BASA | 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235
Join us on February 26, 2020 to study the intersection of social media, the law, your IT
department, and the public. If you have asked yourself any of these questions or many
others that will be discussed, then you and your team will want to attend this informative
professional development opportunity:
What are the limitations of free speech?
What are the non-legal issues with social media?
• What are the necessary skills to engage with your community?
Are your “Acceptable Use” policies guiding behavior?
When does the behavior become criminal?
At the end of this session, your team will have created a working document for
implementing necessary and common processes.
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