BASA Events Update 10.5.18
Upcoming Events October 5, 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 2.............Top Gun Construction Claims Seminar (Oct. 11) 5.............Statewide Collaborative Conference on Advocacy for Public Education (Oct. 15) 6.............Legal Issues for Superintendents (Oct. 17) 8.............Managing Student Behavior (Oct. 18) 10...........Lunch & Learn: Teacher Trust is a Must: How to Keep and Attract the Best Teachers in Your District (especially the Millennials) (Oct. 22) 12...........Employee Discipline, Module #1 (Oct. 24-26) 14...........National Dropout Prevention Convention (Oct. 28-31) 15...........BASA Regional Meetings (Nov. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8)
2018 Top Gun Construction Claims Seminar
Guest Speakers
11:00-12:00 STRATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH CLAIMS – Project Schedule Mark Evans , Bricker & Eckler LLP Tucker Elliott , VN Services • Schedule approaches and analysis; managing the time = money equation • Examples of schedule claims and strategies for managing time-related claims 12:00-1:00 LUNCH 1:00-1:45 SPECIFIC CLAIMS – Unforeseen Site Conditions Doug Shevelow , Bricker & Eckler LLP Sam Lewis , Bricker & Eckler LLP
WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Jack Rosati, Jr. , Bricker & Eckler LLP, Construction Department Chair CONSTRUCTION AND THE ADA – Issues Related to New Construction and Renovations Jason Stuckey , Bricker & Eckler LLP BEGINNING A PROJECT – Decision Points How to get started, what to expect, how to deal with the unexpected Ben Hyden , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Types of documents – requests for qualifications, requests for proposals, professional services and construction contracts BEGINNING A PROJECT – Decision Points (continued) Jack Rosati, Jr. , Bricker & Eckler LLP Laura Bowman , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Examples of possible claims in each project delivery method – GC, CMR, DB & multiple prime Pramila Kamath , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Choosing a project delivery method • Selecting project professionals
Tucker Elliott is Vice President at VN Services and has been a senior consultant since 1998 providing clients with project management advice and claims analysis. Since 1980, Mr. Elliott has worked with owners, architects, engineers, and contractors on over 288 projects in 33 states and 7 countries. These projects have ranged in size from $30,000 to $6 billion and have been in a variety of industries including education, manufacturing, power, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, demilitarization, environmental, metals, and infrastructure.
Tucker Elliott
Christopher L. Gricar, PE, LEED AP is a Senior Project Executive with Hammes Company serving as an owner’s representative for healthcare projects. Chris has over 21 years of commercial construction management experience in a variety of market segments including healthcare, corporate, K-12, retail and banking on projects totaling nearly $1.5 billion.
Christopher Gricar
• Who bears the risk for unforeseen site conditions? • Can an owner disclaim liability for unforeseen site conditions? • Common contract provisions that address unforeseen site conditions • Tips on how to successfully resolve an unforeseen site condition claim SPECIFIC CLAIMS – Lien & Bond Claims and Errors & Omissions Chris McCloskey , Bricker & Eckler LLP Desmond Cullimore , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Mechanics’ lien claims on public and private sector construction projects • Bond claims • Claims against the design professional SPECIFIC CLAIMS – Defective and Nonconforming Work Chris McCloskey , Bricker & Eckler LLP Tarik Kershah , Bricker & Eckler LLP Christopher Gricar , Hammes Company • Methods for addressing critical failures in performance and managing resolutions • Examples of claims for defective and nonconforming work by the owner FINANCING CORRECTIVE WORK PRIOR TO RECOVERY Matt Stout , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Unvoted financing options for projects that need remedial work DISPUTE RESOLUTION Chris Bondra , Bricker & Eckler LLP Jack Rosati, Jr. , Bricker & Eckler LLP • Project level resolution, mediation, arbitration and litigation BREAK
Mark Seifried, PE is the Managing Director/Senior Consultant at NV5. He has 18 years of civil/structural design and project management experience on a variety of public and private sector projects. Mark has successfully delivered advanced construction management consulting services to owners, representatives, design professionals, construction managers, and contractors on various projects throughout the United States.
Mark Seifried
Joe Urquhart, CPCU, CRIS is the Vice President of Overmyer Hall Associates specializing in insurance and risk management programs for contractors, real estate developers and owners, and manufacturers. He advises clients on insurance issues such as risk transfer, builders’ risk, additional insureds, professional liability and loss control.
Joe Urquhart
9:30-9:45 BREAK 9:45-10:30 STRATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH CLAIMS – Insurance & Bonds Casey Cross , Bricker & Eckler LLP Joseph Urquhart , Overmyer Hall Associates • Review basic insurance concepts & types • Review typical insurance requirements for a construction project • Types of claims under insurance • Role of the surety on a construction project – contractor default? • Professional liability insurance for design professionals and other consultants 10:30-11:00 STRATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH CLAIMS – Project Documentation Desmond Cullimore , Bricker & Eckler LLP Mark Seifried , NV5 • Tips for project documentation and administration
Bricker & Eckler Team
Chris Bondra
Laura Bowman
Casey Cross
Desmond Cullimore
Mark Evans
Sylvia Gillis
Ben Hyden
Pramila Kamath
Tarik Kershah
Sean Lehman
Sam Lewis
Chris McCloskey
Jack Rosati, Jr. Construction Group Chair
Doug Shevelow
Matt Stout
Jason Stuckey
Location and Registration Information
Location The Conference Center at OCLC General Session Room 6600 Kilgour Place Dublin, Ohio 43017-3395 614.764.6000
Who Should Attend • Owners and their representatives • Architects and engineers • Construction claims companies (consultants)
• Construction attorneys • Prosecuting attorneys • Construction managers • Contractors
Credits This program has been submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 7.5 total CLE hours of instruction. Approval is pending. Certificates for Engineering CPD credit are available upon request.
What You Will Learn • Important construction concepts, including key contract language, best practices for project documentation, the risks of unforeseen site conditions, delays and lost productivity claims, and the design professional’s standard of care • Strategies to address damage and claims • Tools to analyze, prepare for, and defend against claims for additional compensation or damages • Options to manage and resolve construction claims efficiently Co-Sponsors • Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) • County Commissioners Association of Ohio (CCAO) • County Engineers Association of Ohio (CEAO) • Ohio Contractors Association (OCA) • Ohio Council of Port Authorities (OCPA) • Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA) • Ohio Municipal League (OML) • Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association (OPAA) • Ohio Township Association (OTA)
Tuition $199 • Early Bird registration through Friday, September 21 • Members of sponsoring organizations $239 • Regular registration Special Rates • Two or more from the same organization: Call for special pricing
Reservations Online: (VISA/MC only)
By Mail:
Bricker & Eckler LLP Attn: Lindsey Hohler 100 S. Third Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (For checks and purchase orders)
By E-mail:
By Phone:
614.227.6913 – direct
Cancellation Policy Registrants may be substituted at any time. Full-refund cancellation requests must be made on or before October 4, 2018. No refunds will be made after that time.
If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify us at least two weeks prior to the program.
S tatewide C ollaborative C onference on A dvocacy for P ublic E ducation October 15, 2018 | 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Tolles Career & Technical Center
All Ohio’s Public School superintendents Monday, October 15, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Tolles Career & Techical Center | 7877 U.S. HWY 42 S. | Plain City, OH 43064 We must create and sustain the commitment of the shared under- standing of the purpose and beliefs inherent in public education across Ohio. The work that has been done regionally will be shared, beliefs will be examined and debated, and a process will be created for use in all districts.
Complete the registration form(s) and
Other ways to register:
Mail to:
Email form to
Fax to (614) 846-4081
8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Register at
Columbus, OH 43235
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Cancellations If you are unable to attend a meeting and you have already sent in a registration form, please email Vanessa Gabriele at to cancel your reservation. Questions? For additional information, contact BASA at (614)-846-4080.
BASA Conference Room 8050 North High Street Columbus, OH 43235 October 17, 2018 AGENDA
REGISTRATION Welcome / Introductions
8:30 - 9:00
LABOR RELATIONS IN A POST- JANUS ENVIRONMENT George Albu, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services and Beverly Meyer, Bricker & Eckler LLP
9:00 - 9:45
9:45 - 10:30
Immy Singh, Ohio Department of Education, Director of Licensure and Jason Stuckey, Bricker & Eckler LLP
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:30
OTHER “HOT” STUDENT ISSUES Melissa Bondy, Bricker & Eckler LLP
11:30 - 12:15
Financial Opportunities for Public Schools Rebecca Princehorn, Colin Kalvas and Dylan Borchers, Bricker & Eckler LLP
12:15 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
From Success to Sideways, and Back Again Tom Evans, Superintendent, Cuyahoga Heights, Reva Cosby, Superintendent, Mt. Healthy, and Dave Axner, BASA MODERATED BY: Nicole Donovsky, Bricker & Eckler LLP
1:45 - 2:00
UNDER FIRE: Managing Complaints about Staff, Board Members
2:00 - 2:45
and the Superintendent Nicole Donovsky, Bricker & Eckler LLP
Registration Options: Online @ Mail to: 8050 N. High St., Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235 Email Vanessa Gabriele: Fax: (614) 846-4081 BASA Conf rence R o 8050 North High Str et Columbus, OH 43235 October 17, 2018 AGENDA Title:
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #: 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:45
REGISTRATION Welcome / Introductions
Fax #:
______-______-________ Beverly Meyer
9:45 - 10:30
Jason Stuckey
10:30 - 10:45
DATE/LOCATION Wednesday, October 17, 2018 | BASA | 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235 MARIJUANA, TWICE EXCEPTIONAL, SOCIAL MEDIA AND [C] OTHER “HOT” STUDENT ISSUES Melissa Bondy
10:45 - 11:30
KEEPING YOUR EYE ON THE ENERGY MARKET: Financial Opportunities for Public Schools Rebecca Princehorn, Colin Kalvas and Dylan Borchers
11:30 - 12:15
WORKSHOP FEES $199 - BASA Member $250 - Non-Member LUNCH
PAYMENT TYPE Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number: ________
12:15 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the workshop are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate Credit May be available for an additional fee and granted upon completion of an additional assignment. Questions should be directed to Georgine Collette at: Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080. 13161910v1 From Success to Sideways, and Back Again Tom Evans, Reva Cosby, and Dave Axner MODERATED BY: Nicole Donovsky 1:45 - 2:00 BREAK 2:00 - 2:45 UNDER FIRE: Managing Complaints about Staff, Board Members [F] and the Superintendent Nicole Donovsky
Join your colleagues for Managing Student Behavior in Safe & Positive 21 st Century Schools Learn to Better Manage Student Behavior During this Leadership Staff Development Event for Principals, Deans, Student Services Directors, and Superintendents
Implementing an Effective and Defensible Student Code of Conduct
For Principals and Deans: This workshop (1) reviews important discipline- related procedures, (2) provides ideas for revitalizing the school’s student guide, and (3) creates opportunities to share best practices with peers. For Student Services Directors: This workshop (1) outlines a framework for a district-wide behavior management plan, (2) surveys the procedures that should be included for student personnel, and (3) explores how to expand the use of positive behavior management options in the district. For Superintendents: This workshop (1) offers ideas for improving ineffective student behavior management practices, (2) examines common discipline-related due process concerns, and (3) explores ways to limit the use of exclusionary practices in the district.
REGISTRATION FEE: $159.00 BASA Member $209.00 Non-Member REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 5, 2018 Registration fee includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and parking.
Date & Location ThursdayOctober 18, 2018 Summit County ESC 420 Washington Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Agenda
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
• Working Lunch • Resolving Code Violations with Positive Actions • Resolving Code Violations with Conventional Consequences
• Session Introduction • The Seven Key Components of any District Behavior Management Plan • The District Behavior Management Philosophy • Behavioral Expectations at the District, School and Setting Levels • Strategies for Classifying Code Violations • Considerations for Establishing and Verifying Code Violations
• Strategies for Limiting Exclusionary Practices • Considerations for Managing Cases Involving Students with Disabilities or Disabling Conditions • Records Maintenance and Event/Action Reporting Concerns • Session Close
“Implementing an Effective and Defensible Student Code of Conduct”
Complete registration form and enclose a check or purchase order and mail to: BASA 8050 North High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 or Fax to (614) 846-4081 or Register Online at REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 5, 2018
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #: - -
Fax #:
Available workshops ThursdayOctober 18, 2018: Summit County ESC
Workshop Fees $159.00 BASA Member (single day)
Workshop Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable):
$209.00 Non-Member (single day)
Invoice Me
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing & received by the BASA office up to five (5) business days prior to the event date. Cancellations five (5) business days or less prior to the event are subject to a cancellation fee of fifty percent (50%). No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants will receive a certificate of completion and should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080.
Lunch & Learn
Teacher Trust is a Must: How to Keep and Attract the Best Teachers in Your District (especially the Millennials)
Monday, October 22, 2018 | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BASA | 8050 N. High St., Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235
Speakers Max McGee & Jamie Rosenberg Max McGee has been everything from a substitute teacher to Il- linois state superintendent and launched an independent school from scratch. He has led 4 districts, most recently Palo Alto where he established the Advanced Authentic Research program and led systemic changes to improve wellness supports for students and staff. As Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy President, he led ISMA to receive Intel's "Star Innovator Award" as America's most innovative high school, and he extensively expanded STEM programs to thousands of students and teachers. As State Super- intendent Max made the ACT part of the Illinois state test giving every student opportunity to demonstrate their college readiness regardless of zip code. Since then, 19 states have followed suit. In addition, Max made closing opportunity gaps the top initiative and established the Golden Spike Award for schools doing so. Jamie Rosenberg is the founder and CEO of ClassWallet. Class- Wallet is a leading funds management and tracking platform for schools. ClassWallet is used in 2,000 schools across 15 states, includ- ing Ohio. Rosenberg’s first company,, was one of the first crowdfunding sites and the first national online plat- form for education philanthropy raising over $25M for teachers in 30% of schools. Jamie has been featured in numerous publications such as Time and Parade magazines, and newspapers across the country. CBS aired a national program in 2013 hosted by Vanessa Williams about Jamie's accomplishments. He has been a featured speaker or panelist for the Future of Education Finance Summit, Ed- ucation Industry Association, ASU GSV Conference, National PTA Conference, and National School Boards Association Conference.
“A 10% increase in trust has the same effect as a 30% increase in pay,” writes Covey, Link, and Merrill. With the finan- cial challenges facing districts across Ohio, investing in trust makes sound fi- nancial sense and more importantly is likely to increase teacher retention rate and be a competitive advantage for recruitment. Teachers seek out districts and schools where faculty are trusted, respected, and appreciated. With the ever-in- creasing demands for accountability, following a common core curriculum, local and state mandates, teacher au- tonomy is a rare commodity. Yet giving teachers autonomy and agency over instructional decisions is arguably the most effective way for administrators and board members to let teachers know they are trusted, respected, and appreciated.
Topics we will cover: • Understand the strategic and financial advantages of recruiting and retaining teachers by investing in developing a culture of trust. • Learn and be able to replicate proven practices and policies • Identify the hidden costs in low trust school districts and the tangible academic, health, and financial benefits in high trust ones.
Lunch & Learn
Teacher Trust is a Must: How to Keep and Attract the Best Teachers in Your District (especially the Millennials)
Monday, October 22, 2018 | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BASA | 8050 N. High St., Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235
Registration Options: Mail to: 8050 N. High St., Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235 Online: Email Vanessa Gabriele: Fax: (614) 846-4081
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
DATE/LOCATION Monday , October 22, 2018: BASA | 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the workshop are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate Credit May be available for an additional fee and granted upon completion of an additional assignment. Questions should be directed to Georgine Collette at: Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080.
Join your colleagues starting this fall for Making the OH Professional Licensure Code of Ethics Work in your District!
Learn to Lead your Employees to Success During this Leadership Staff Development Event for Principals, Supervisors, HR Directors, and Superintendents.
Module #1: Setting Behavioral Expectations
REGISTRATION FEE: $159.00 BASA Member $209.00 Non-Member REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 17, 2018 Registration fee includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and parking.
For Principals and Supervisors: This session provides video re-enactments of actual cases that model how to effectively manage employee misconduct. For HR Directors: This session introduces a rubric-based method for evaluating case facts and selecting fair, reasonable, and consistent disciplinary actions. For Superintendents: This session establishes methods for modifying employee misconduct and underscoring expected behaviors within the collective bargaining environment.
Three Dates & Locations to Choose From: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Hamilton County, ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231
Thursday, October 25, 2018 ESC of Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga) 6393 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, OH 44131
Friday, October 26, 2018 BASA 8050 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43235
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
• Introduction to Seminar & Types of Em- ployee Discipline • Sources of Legal Risk During the Employee Discipline Process • Considerations for Disciplinary Actions Involving Education Employees • Considerations for Selecting or Recommending Employee Discipline in Specific Cases • Oral Warnings & When to Use Them
• Written Warnings & When to Use Them • Working Lunch • Considerations for the Formal Types of Employee Discipline
• Official Reprimands & When to Use Them • Suspensions & When to Use Them • Terminations & When to Use Them • Culminating Task: Using Reasonable & Appropriate Employee Discipline • Session Experience Survey
“This workshop put employee discipline into the perspective of improving staff behaviors to benefit student achievement. A much more collaborative approach to why and how to assist, share, and support staff with attention to consistent, fair,
and reasonable criteria.” Jodi Riedel, Director of HR Trumbull Career and Technical Center
Employee Discipline Module 1 “Setting Behavioral Expectations”
Complete registration form and enclose a check or purchase order and mail to: BASA 8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Columbus, OH 43235 or Fax to (614) 846-4081 or Register Online at REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 17, 2018
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Date/Location (choose one) Wednesday, October 24, 2018: Hamilton County ESC Thursday, October 25, 2018: ESC of Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga) Friday, October 26, 2018: BASA
Workshop Fees $159.00 BASA Member (single day) $209.00 Non-Member (single day)
Workshop Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable): _________________________________ Invoice Me
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing & received by the BASA office up to five busi- ness days prior to the event date. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the event are subject to a 50% can- cellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants will receive a certificate of completion and should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate credit is available for the Employee Discipline in an Education Environment program; for details, email prior to the workshop. Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at 614-846-4080.
National Dropout Prevention Conference
The 30th annual National Dropout Prevention Conference will be hosted in Columbus, Ohio from October 28-31, 2018. Download the Details >> The mission of the National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC) is to increase graduation rates through research and evidence-based solutions. The National Conference is a huge opportunity to do this. We hope you’ll join us in our efforts to help today’s students graduate and go on to lead successful lives thereafter. Speaker Sneak Peak: Dr. Bill Daggett, Founder and Chairman, International Center for Leadership in Education Kevin Honeycutt, International Speaker, Technology, Education and Cyber-Bullying Prevention Tasha Booker, Vice President and Executive Director, City Year Columbus …And many others! NATIONAL DROPOUT PREVENTION CONFERENCE October 28-31, 2018 Hyatt Downtown Columbus Register online at: Ohio residents receive 10% off registration! Use code OHIO2018. If you have any questions, please contact John Gailer at or Janet Gillig at . We look forward to seeing you in October! Paolo DeMaria, Ohio State Superintendent Dr. Frederic Bertley, President and CEO, COSI
Join us for the
November Regional Meetings
Meeting Agenda
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Ohio Department of Education Updaate John Richard, Deputy Superintendent
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 10:15 am
Optimizing Your Relationship With IT, Data, and ITCs Geoff Andrews, Management Council
10:15 am - 10:45 am
Benefits Analysis and Update Gallagher Staff
10:45 am - 11:15 am
BASA Update BASA Staff
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Dates & Locations November 1, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am November 5, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am BASA 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 846-4080 ESC of Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga) 6393 Oak Tree Boulevard South Independence, OH 44131 (216) 524-3000 November 6, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am November 7, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Levis Commons, BGSU 1655 N. Wilkinson Way Perrysburg, OH 43551 (419) 372-2672
Logan Hocking High School 14470 State Route 328 Logan, OH 43138 (740) 385-8157
November 8, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Breakfast Sponsored by:
Register @ -OR- Fax to (614) 846-4081 -OR- Email to
Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 674-4251
November Regional Meetings REGISTER NOW!
Registration Options: Online @ Mail to: BASA 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 Email Vanessa Gabriele: or Denise Hall: FAX: (614) 846-4081
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Please check the day you will attend: November 1, 2018 (BASA)
Breakfast Sponsored by:
November 5, 2018 (ESC of Northeast Ohio)
November 6, 2018 (Levis Commons, BGSU)
November 7, 2018 (Logan Hocking High School)
November 8, 2018 (Hamilton County ESC)
NOTE: There is no fee to attend a meeting. Cancellations If you are unable to attend a meeting and you have already sent in a registration form, please email Vanessa Gabriele at to cancel your reservation. Additional Information Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Questions? For additional information, contact BASA at (614)-846-4080.
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