BASA Events Update 12.29.17
2018 BASA School Facilities & Safety Conference February 21 - 22, 2018 Doubletree Hotel - Worthington “Changing Culture by Design”
• Welcome & Introductions • Keynote Panel
• Keynote Speaker • Gary D. Lewis Jr., is the Executive Director of Campus Safety/Chief of Police at Cleveland State University and provides administrative leadership and operational management for the campus safety departments, including the Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), Access Control & Safety Systems (ACSS), and Office of Emergency Management (OEM) since 2015. Chief Lewis and his co-presenter from the Department of Homeland Security will provide updated guidance for consid- eration and implementation in your safety plan. They are prepared to share their ex- periences and insight to better prepare your team. • Break-Out Sessions to choose from throughout the day • Closing remarks
• Learn the most important facts in a fast-paced keynote format from the leading experts in fa- cilities planning, maintenance, and construc- tion. Join Todd Thackery; SHP Design, David Riley; Riley Law, Chris Smith; TDA, and Ste- phen Shergalis; Ennis Consulting and more as they share their expertise on funding options, athletic field decisions, construction manage- ment choices, repurposing non-traditional fa- cilities, and creating a fail-proof facility main- tenance schedule. • Luncheon • Break-Out Sessions to choose from throughout the day • BASA Reception
Doubletree Hotel-Worthington 175 Hutchison Avenue | Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: (614) 885-3334
Book by January 31, 2018 to reserve your room!
Send in your registration today! Form attached.
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