BASA Events Update 2.22.19

Bringing People Together to Make a Difference

This event is designed

specifically with school leaders in mind.

The purpose of this gathering is to raise awareness of the importance of accountability and to develop a common understanding of how accountability can be used to either support or inhibit student learning and school improvement. We welcome Steve McCammon, President, and George Thompson, former President and current Director of Strategic Initiatives, from The Schlechty Center, who will also be presenting at this event.


Ohio Public School Advocacy Network

John Tanner , founder and executive director of Test Sense and author of The Pitfalls of Reform: Its Incompatibility with Actual Improvement , will be in our region to participate in a symposium. John will share what he is learning from efforts around the country focused on designing accountability programs that are consistent with principles of true accountability. A Symposium Creating a True Accountability Mindset: An Evolution of Thought and Action


MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2019 Time: 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Location: ESC of Northeast Ohio Cost: FREE (Lunch is on your own)

OPSAN Ohio Public School Advocacy Network

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