BASA Member Update 10.12.18
BASA Member Update October 12, 2018
1. Hot Topics
• 174 School Issues on November Ballot • Required Filing of Collective Bargaining Agreements
2. Character Lab Research Network 3. 2018 Management Guide
HOT TOPICS 174 School Issues on November Ballot
BASA’s unofficial count of school district funding issues on the General Election ballots for November 6 is 174 issues. However, only 52 of them are requests for new operating money with 82 renewal and 14 replacement requests. The breakdown is as follows: • New Current Expense: 12 • Renewal Current Expense: 12 • New Emergency: 7 • Renewal Emergency: 32 • Substitute: 13 • New Safety and Security: 6 • Renewal Safety and Security: 1 • New Joint County Financing District: 3 • New Permanent Improvement: 8 • Renewal Permanent Improvement: 26 • New Traditional Income Tax: 4 • Renewal Traditional Income Tax: 10 By way of comparison, voters considered 121 school funding issues on the ballot last November. Interestingly, the number of new earned income tax issues before voters this year has tripled from last year (from 4 to 12), and the number of substitute tax proposals has doubled (from 6 to 12) when compared with November 2017. Required Filing of Collective Bargaining Agreements Ohio law requires the State Employment Relations Board (SERB) to collect and analyze all public sector collective bargaining agreements and provide the citizens of Ohio and collective bargaining stakeholders with a reliable source of information. SERB created the Clearinghouse database to house, manage, and preserve this information, which can serve as a critically important factor in the bargaining process. To assure accuracy and integrity of this database Ohio law also requires that all Ohio public employers file copies of all contracts, memoranda of understanding, contract amendments, etc. with SERB within thirty (30) days of completion. • New Earned Income Tax: 12 • Renewal Earned Income Tax: 1 • Replacement Earned Income Tax: 1
Good morning!
My name is Kathy McFarland, and I am the Deputy Chief Executive at OSBA. OSBA is committed to working with districts and other groups to promote and support research that would benefit Ohio public school students. I’m emailing you today to tell you about a unique opportunity for your district to participate in innovative research on student success. Before taking my current position at OSBA, I was a high school principal. As educators, you and I know that there are many challenges facing students that can significantly affect their achievement in schools. Scientific evidence has shown that character strengths like self-control, curiosity, humility and empathy are critically important to achievement and well-being. Character Lab , a nonprofit organization founded by a scientist (Dr. Angela Duckworth) and two educators (Dominic Randolph, Head of Riverdale Country School and Dave Levin, co-founder of the KIPP schools), was created to research how character strengths can be intentionally cultivated and create new ways to help all students develop character and achieve success. I’m very excited to share with you an opportunity for schools in your district to partner with Character Lab Research Network (CLRN) , a new and growing consortium of innovative schools and expert scientists dedicated to researching ways to help students succeed. CLRN matches schools on the network with leading scientists to develop and test activities that grow character strengths based on each school’s interests and needs. CLRN gathers information about what works and what doesn’t and shares those insights back with schools. OSBA is honored to offer its member districts this opportunity to partner with Character Lab and its Research Network.
If you would like to know more about CLRN and its exciting work, watch this short video .
As a first step to partnership, Character Lab is inviting Ohio school districts to apply to join CLRN . If you think your district has schools that might want to participate in CLRN, please share this information with school board members, building principals and other district leaders. I encourage your district to apply soon.
Please contact me or Jennifer Hardin, OSBA’s Deputy Director of Legal Services, if you have any questions, and thanks for considering this unique opportunity,
Dr. Kathy McFarland Deputy Chief Executive
Jennifer A. Hardin Deputy Director of Legal Services Ohio School Boards Association 8050 N. High Street, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: (614) 540-4000 Fax: (614) 540-4100
Ohio School Boards Association 8050 N High Street, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43235 Phone (614) 540-4000 , EXT. 273 FAX: (614) 540-4100
The Management Guide for School Leaders ********************2018 Edition********************
The Management Guide for School Leaders updates all education-related legislation adopted between July 2017 and July 2018.
Now in electronic book format!
NEW for 2018
Updated Calendar Year of Duties New Schedule for Property Value Reappraisal and Updates All New References to the Ohio Revised Code Organized Alphabetically by Topic Over Fifty (50) References and Resources, Including: Operating Levy Options Specific Offenses Barring Employment or Licensure
The Management Guide for School Leaders has been completely reviewed and updated for 2018. The new edition is now formatted in an easy, more efficient layout to minimize the time it takes to find answers to questions like:
When and where are districts required to display the state and/or national mottoes?
College Credit Plus And Much More!
What kind of facsimile signature is not per- mitted on vouchers, checks, or other instru- ments for the payment of money?
What is the annual deadline for conducting the mandatory fire drill?
The 2018 Management Guide for School Leaders
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