BASA Member Update 10.27.17
Dear School Administrator: As a point of introduction, the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) is one of the largest state affiliates of NAfME, the National Association for Music Education. Celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2017, OMEA serves Ohio’s 1.8 million students in schools and universities across the state. Our membership includes over 2800 active music teachers, 900 collegiate members (prospective music teachers) and nearly 500 retired music educators. The OMEA Professional Development Conference (PDC), held this year in Columbus, will take place on February 8-10 at the Convention Center downtown. The OMEA PDC is the third largest music conference in the United States with nearly 300 sessions presented by nationally recognized master teachers demonstrating research-based, best practices in the field of music education. Sessions often include live demonstrations with students of various ages. In addition, over 40 performing ensembles will present concerts showcasing the talents of Ohio’s students. It is noteworthy that committees comprised of active teachers from across the state choose sessions and performing ensembles and the session’s represent the “best of the best” in teaching pedagogy. The acceptance rate for perform- ing ensembles alone is only 25% of the submissions. The OMEA PDC partners with the Technology Institute for Music Education to provide every teacher in atten- dance with access to clinics and demonstrations of the latest music education technology. Included in the registra- tion fee ($145 for members) is access to the largest music trade show east of the Mississippi. Displays and demon- strations by nearly 250 exhibitors from across the United States allow teachers to see the new products available in the music industry. With a few additional steps, teachers may use their conference experience to earn CEU’s (nominal additional registration expense) and graduate level continuing education credit (additional expense) for their licensure re- quirements. Please visit our website, to see the details of the conference. This website provides information about registration, housing and parking as well as lists of performing ensembles and presenters. To access the conference schedule and review session titles and descriptions, please follow our event on Guidebook, which will be available around December 1. Providing the opportunity for your music staff to attend this conference will have a direct and meaningful impact on the students in your district. If you or another administrator would like to attend the conference to check out this opportunity first-hand, please contact my office at I would be happy to provide you with a pass for any single day of the conference and answer any questions regarding how OMEA can assist your music staff. On the attached page are some metrics from this year’s conference, viewed through the lens of the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession.
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