BASA Member Update 11.21.17
Federal Quota Registration and Deafblind Census Federal Quota Registration – The AT & AEM Center at OCALI conducts the Federal Quota Registration of Blind Students on behalf of the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children, to qualify for the federal quota allotment of funds to purchase accessible educational materials for students who are blind in Ohio. DeafblindCensus –TheOhioCenter forDeafblindEducation (OCDBE) conducts theDeafblind Census on behalf of the United State Department of Education and in collaboration with the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) to qualify for the federal allotment of funds to support students and families with dual sensory loss in Ohio. How does registration occur? Federal Quota Registration – Complete the Federal Quota Registration Form & return to AT & AEM Center. The Federal Quota Registration Form will be emailed to superintendents on December 7, 2017. Deafblind Census – Log onto The Ohio Center for Deafblind Education website to complete the Deafblind Census Registration form. When is registration? Federal Quota Registration – January 2-26, 2018 Deafblind Census – Anytime, but please note that 2017 registration ends December 1, 2017 “Short-term” Definition for Substitute Licenses Expanded Based on action taken by the State Board of Education this month, individuals who hold short-term substitute teaching licenses nowmay teach for 60 (school) days during a current school year. Ohio schools and districtsmust employ an individual with a long-termsubstitute license for periods longer than 60 (school) days. The revised rule, which took effect on November 2, can be found here OAC 3301-23-44 .
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