BASA Member Update 11.8.19
Consolidated School Report Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code 3301.68) requires all public school districts, including joint vocational school districts, to annually report on a specified set of data to the Ohio Department of Education through the Consolidated School Report Survey. The data being collected includes the following: • training on the use of physical restraint or seclusion; • training on harassment, intimidation or bullying; • training on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED); • compliance with nutritional standards; • screening for hearing, vision, speech and communications, health or medical problems and for any developmental disorders; • and intradistrict and interdistrict open enrollment policy. Fall 2019 is the first time the Department is required to collect this data. The purpose of the survey is to consolidate reporting requirements for districts by collecting the information at one time and in one tool. School districts are required to report data from the 2018-2019 school year through a survey in the OH|ID web portal . The survey window is Nov. 1-30, 2019, as required by law. Those identified in the Department’s Ohio Education Directory System (OEDS) as superintendent and superintendent designee for the district can access and complete the survey starting Nov. 1. If a school district reports noncompliance by answering “no” to any question in accordance with ORC 3301.68, within 30 days the district must provide a written explanation to its board of education for why each item was not completed and a written plan of action for accurately and efficiently addressing the problem. Alternate Assessment Survey Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, addresses alternate assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Each state must submit a waiver request to the United States Department of Education if it predicts exceeding 1 percent participation in the alternate assessment in a subject. Ohio’s 2018-2019 alternative assessment participation rate was approximately 1.8 percent in reading. Due to this rate, Ohio must request an extension to its current waiver to the 1 percent cap for the 2019-2020 administration of the alternate assessment in reading, math and science. Ohio will be submitting a waiver to the U.S. Department of Education by November 19, 2019. The Department will be taking public comments via this survey on the proposed one percent waiver application from Oct. 25 through Nov. 11, 2019.
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