BASA Member Update 3.1.19
Third Grade Assessments in Paper Format for 2019-2020 Senate Bill 216, adopted by the 132nd General Assembly, amended ORC Section 3301.0711 to provide for the possibility of a paper format for the grade three assessments in English language arts and/or mathematics. However, the Board of Education must adopt an authorizing resolution and submit it to the Ohio Department of Education by May 1, 2019. A template of a resolution is available here. Resources available on reimbursement for WorkKeys tests WorkKeys is an industry-recognized, application-based assessment used to measure work readiness. Students can use it to help satisfy Ohio’s graduation requirements . State law gives each Ohio student the opportunity to take the WorkKeys test one time during high school. The Department will reimburse districts for each student to take each of the test’s three parts one time. ODE’s website offers helpful resources about the reimbursement process, including: • How to begin registration for WorkKeys test reimbursement; • Key reimbursement requirements; and • ACT documents and guides for WorkKeys administration. The State Legislative Conference The State Legislative Conference offers Ohio school board members and administrators a chance to share their views on key education issues with state legislators. The conference (hosted by OSBA, BASA, and OASBO) isMarch 19 in Columbus. It features legislative updates, lobbying tips, and a luncheon with legislators and their aides. For more information and to register, visit or contact Laurie Miller at (614) 540-4000, (800) 589-OSBA or
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