BASA Member Update 4.26.19

BASA Member Update April 26, 2019

1. Hot Topics • Submitting Resolution to ODE by May 1, 2019 On Grade 3 Paper Testing for 2019-2020 • New OH|ID platform to offer security enhancements • Confirm or submit your district profile link now for Ohio School Report Cards 2. 2019-2020 University of Dayton/BASA Class Brochure 3. 2018 Management Guide


Submitting Resolution to ODE by May 1, 2019 On Grade 3 Paper Testing for 2019-2020 Information was provided in January 2019 on the provisions of Senate Bill 216, 132nd General Assembly, which allows districts the option of paper or online test administration only for the third-grade state assessments, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year. A survey has been set up to allow you to submit the resolution approved by your board for third graders to take the assessment of English Language Arts or Mathematics or both in paper format. Submit Grade 3 Testing Choice and Certified Resolution for Ohio Department of Education If the link does not take you to the portal and display a web form specific to your district, please email and describe your issue in detail. Do not share this secure link with persons outside your district unless you determine that they are authorized. You DO need to upload a PDF version by May 1, 2019 via this survey if your school board or governing body has decided to administer paper tests to third graders in 2019-2020. You DO NOT need to respond to this survey if you meet one of the following criteria: 1. Your district/school plans to give only online tests to third graders. NOTE : If a district or school continues to administer the tests online, paper accommodations as accessibility features are still available as detailed in Ohio’s Accessibility Manual . A board resolution regarding accommodations is not required. 2. Your school does not test third graders. New OH|ID platform to offer security enhancements Later this spring, the Ohio Department of Education’s SAFE portal will be integrated with the State of Ohio’s digital identity solution, OH|ID. The OH|ID platform will offer to education application users a more secure experience that aligns with the latest in security best practices and offers additional security enhancements like self-service password recovery. To optimize your experience once the new system goes live, ODE encourages you to review and update the information in your current SAFE account. Since your email address will act as your unique identifier and will be used as the login for your OH|ID account, please make sure to update your last name and email address if they have changed. Also remember that OH|ID credentials should never be shared, and every user must have only one OH|ID account.

Confirm or submit your district profile link now for Ohio School Report Cards The Ohio Department of Education offers school districts and Career Technical Planning Districts the opportunity to submit a link to a webpage that describes the district’s unique qualities and successes. These district profile links appear on the Ohio School Report Cards and are used by viewers to visit the district’s profile page. Last year, web links were submitted through Cherwell, but district profile links now reside in the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS). This allows districts to update the web addresses as needed. Links can be accessed by logging in to OEDS and viewing the Organization Identity Box under the header, District’s Profile Page . Superintendents should review their links now to make sure they are correct and that the web content associated with them is still relevant. Changes can be made in OEDS during the year at any time. Districts and community schools not submitting links in 2018 can submit links for 2019 now. Submitting a link continues to be optional for all districts and community schools. Districts must submit links for the 2019 Ohio School Report Cards by June 30, 2019, to ensure their inclusion in this year’s report cards. Only the web address is needed by June 30. The design of the webpage does not need to be completed by that date. The Department will release Ohio School Report Cards in mid-September, and districts should complete their webpages by then.

University of Dayton/BASA Superintendent Certificate Preparation Program - Cohort The UD/BASA Superintendent Certificate Preparation Program- Cohort is a unique collaborative program designed to maximize the professional ex- pertise and resource base for superinten- dents from BASA and the approved certifi- cate program and demanding curriculum of the University of Dayton. The program will provide a cohort of Ohio educators with a convenient, rigorous, practice-based program leading to an Ohio certificate as a superintendent. Up to 25 Ohio educators will be admitted into the program by the University of Dayton. The cohort group will complete the University of Dayton’s approved program leading to certification as an Ohio Superintendent.

Classes will be held at: Buckeye Association of School Administrators 8050 N. High St. Conference Room Columbus, OH 43235

University of Dayton / BASA

Superintendent Certificate Preparation Program

To Register 1) Contact the University of Dayton for pre-qualification questions. 937-229-3738 2) Complete admission form for the EDA Superintendent Program through the University of Dayton at graduate/TX_SiteLogin? startURL=%2Fgraduate% 2TFTargetX_Base_Portal

3) Contact Janice Keivel with questions and to notify of intention to participate in the Cohort Program.

UD Contacts : Dr. David Dolph Janice Keivel

Faculty Instruction of the coursework will be provided by University of Dayton faculty, R. Kirk Hamilton, Executive Director of BASA; David Axner, Deputy Executive

Questions: Contact BASA: 614-846-4080

University of Dayton/BASA Superintendent Certificate Preparation Program Cohort - Class Schedule 2019-2020

University of Dayton Department of Educational Administration Principles of academic practice form the structure of all EDA programs aligned with these professional standards. First, the pedagogical goals for you and all students in EDA include planned growth in your knowledge, performance, and dispositions, the constructs of our professional affiliation with ELCC. Second, a “knowledge” base of effective school leadership exists and is the foundation of what you as a potential school leader need to master to be effective in producing improved student learning outcomes. “Performance” is defined by ELCC as those proficiencies in subject, professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and dispositions that benefit student learning. “Performance” is also described as related to the quality of institutional practice, in addition to individual practice. “Dispositions” are defined as those values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence your behaviors toward students, families, colleagues, and communities and affect student learning. These principles include a heavy emphasis on pedagogy that is practice-related, problem- based, i.e., “field” related. In EDA courses you will be continually engaged in building your knowledge - knowledge that is based in research and applied to practice in real schools. Throughout each EDA program, you will apply sound leadership knowledge to problems of contemporary PK-12 public , Catholic and other non-public schools.




Saturday, August 3, 2019

9:00 AM

Orientation for Cohort Program and EDA 733—Internship III

 Earn your certifi- cate in one year

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM BASA Fall Conf. 8-5 BASA Fall Conf. 8-12 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday, August 3, 2019 Friday, August 9, 2019 Saturday, August 10, 2019 Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019 Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019 Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 Friday, January 10, 2020 Saturday, January 11, 2020 Friday, January 24, 2020 Saturday, January 25, 2020 Friday, February 7, 2020 Saturday, February 8, 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 Saturday, February 29, 2020 Friday, March 13, 2020 Saturday, March 14, 2020 Friday, March 27, 2020 Saturday, March 28, 2020

EDA 718 The Superintendency Instructor: Jerry Klenke, Ph.D.

 Convenient and

expedient weekend classes

 Instructors are professors with

EDA 760 District Level Management Instructor: R. Kirk Hamilton, Ph.D.

practice in the field

 Students will have access to major “players” in Ohio education  Network within your cohort of educators from all over Ohio

EDA 761 District Level Leadership Instructor: David Axner, Ed.D.

Each class will offer 3 semester hours of graduate credit.

Thanks to the partnership between the University of Dayton and the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, a limited number of scholarship dollars are available for those cohort classes. Information will be provided the first session of EDA 733. Textbooks for this program will be provided free of charge.

The Management Guide for School Leaders ********************2018 Edition********************

The Management Guide for School Leaders updates all education-related legislation adopted between July 2017 and July 2018.

Now in electronic book format!

NEW for 2018

Updated Calendar Year of Duties New Schedule for Property Value Reappraisal and Updates All New References to the Ohio Revised Code Organized Alphabetically by Topic Over Fifty (50) References and Resources, Including:  Operating Levy Options  Specific Offenses Barring Employment or Licensure

 

 The Management Guide for School Leaders has been completely reviewed and updated for 2018. The new edition is now formatted in an easy, more efficient  layout to minimize the time it takes to find answers to questions like:

 When and where are districts required to display the state and/or national mottoes?

College Credit Plus And Much More!

 

 What kind of facsimile signature is not per- mitted on vouchers, checks, or other instru- ments for the payment of money?

 What is the annual deadline for conducting the mandatory fire drill?

The 2018 Management Guide for School Leaders

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District:_______________________________ Email:___________________________________

Address:_____________________________________ City/Zip:__________________________

Ph: ( ) ____________________________ Fax: ( ) ________________________________

$99.00 Per Subscription Number Ordered: _______ Total Amount Due: $_______________ ❑ Check enclosed (payable to BASA)

❑ Purchase Order Attached ❑ Please send an invoice

Please fax to BASA at: 614-846-4081 or mail to: 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235

Questions? Call 614-846-4080

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