BASA Member Update 5.11.18
Medical Waiver Requests Due May 25 AlthoughOhioexpects all students to takepart in state tests, theremay be rare circumstances in which students cannot take one or more assessments during the testing window dates, including makeup dates, because of medical emergencies. In such cases, a district must submit an application for a medical emergency waiver. Superintendents, superintendent designees, principals, test coordinators, and Education Management Information System (EMIS) coordinators can submit applications through the online system between May 11 and 25. These administrators will have access within their SAFE accounts to a Forms link and should follow the prompts for a report card waiver. Applications for 2018 waivers are due May 25. Although superintendents, superintendent designees, principals, test coordinators, and EMIS coordinators can enter information in the form, the official submission to the Department requires the superintendent or superintendent’s designee to approve the form and complete the process. The Department only will review forms that receive this official local approval. Gifted Self-Report Due June 1 The annual Self Report on Identification and Services for Students Who are Gifted is now available. District superintendents should have received a link to the survey via email on Friday, April 20. This required report provides information the Department uses to develop resources and professional development. The report is due no later than June 1. A PDF version for planning purposes only is available here .
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