BASA Member Update 7.6.18
Calamity Day Makeup Reminder Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.482 permits boards of education to adopt plans under which online lessons or “blizzard bags” may be utilized to replace the equivalent of up to three days of classroom instruction. However, the resolution and plan for this alternative must be adopted by the board of education prior to August 1 of each school year. The board is no longer required to file the plan with the Ohio Department of Education, but the plan must include the written consent of the teachers’ employee representative. A template of the resolution and plan are available here. If you have questions, please contact BASA. Smart Education Networks by Design The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and its Ohio state chapter organization, Learn 21, are pleased to continue to support the work of current and aspiring superintendents and district leadership teams in leading all aspects of digital learning transformations. Last month CoSN shared with BASA members information on planning and implementing the strategies required to successfully administer online assessments. This month we focus on the essentials required for dealing with the rapid pace of change in the demands and uses of digital tools across all aspects of teaching and learning, both within school buildings and beyond. CoSNispleased tosupport district leadersas theymakehigh-stakes infrastructure investment decisionswithinthecontextof theconstantlychangingenvironment surrounding technology, instructional priorities and funding. Click on this link to learn six core characteristics of smart network design for transformation and innovation: files/Superintendents%20Initiative%20-%20SEND_0.pdf If your school or district would like more information about joining CoSN or getting more involved with CoSN, please contact Brian Calvary, CAE, CoSN Director of Membership and Chapters, at
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