BASA Member Update 7.7.17
”Customizing” Your District Report Card Many districts have asked for a way to offer additional information that reflects the district’s performance beyond what is published on the state report card. Beginning with the September 2017 Ohio School Report Cards, ODE will be providing districts with an opportunity to do this through a link to a webpage of content that describes a district’s unique qualities and successes. The district must upload the web address between July 15 and Aug. 15, 2017. The Department will place this link on the District Details page of your Ohio School Report Card, right under your address. This is optional for all districts and community schools. Click here for more details. The Budget Bill and the Vetoes Last Friday night, the Governor signed the budget bill (Am. Sub. HB 49) but not until issuing 47 line item vetoes. Yesterday, the Ohio House of Representatives overrode 11 of those vetoes, but none of the overrides directly affected education. Among those items vetoed (and not rejected by the legislature) was the elimination of the Ohio Teacher Residency Program. In his veto message, the Governor cited the need for “one-on-one mentoring support, instructional guidance and detailed, objective feedback on classroom performance” for new teachers. The Governor also vetoed the option of using a paper and pencil format for the state’s achievement assessment and the extension of reimbursement payments for fixed rate tangible personal property tax losses. The Governor’s veto message on the TPP issue indicated the administration’s willingness to work with the General Assembly and “this small subset of districts” facing special challenges “to try and address their issues.” The Senate still must consider the overridden vetoes, and this will probably happen next week. Technically, the 132nd General Assembly can override any veto until it adjourns sine die on December 31, 2018.
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