BASA Member Update 8.31.18
B uckeye A ssociation of S chool A dministrators 8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: 614-846-4080 Fax: 614-846-4081
Executive Director R. Kirk Hamilton, Ph.D
Professional Development Scholarship
Scholarship offered by: Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA).
To signal your interest in participating in the 2018-2019 Professional Learning and Global Student Leaders Summit on July 5-15, 2019, please complete the following form and email it to Cynthia Walker ( ) Director of Member Development, BASA.
The application deadline is September 14, 2018 .
Applications will be reviewed for the potential of developing global citizen initiatives in school districts across Ohio.
Name of School or School District
Cell Phone
Email address
Would you have a student interested in participating in the Global Citizen Summit? Yes or No
Questions: (Limit each answer to a maximum of 100 words) 1. How do you hope to benefit professionally from participation in this project?
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