BASA Member Update 8.4.17
Survey on Suspensions and Expulsions of PK-3 Students Earlier this week, BASA sent a survey to all members regarding the authority to suspend or expel students in pre-kindergarten through grade 3 for non-violent offenses. We strongly encourage you to respond to this survey since your input will inform legislation to be introduced later this fall. The deadline for responses is Friday, August 18. The link to the survey is available here: Administrator Survey.
Home Education and a Superintendent’s Responsibilities Home education (sometimes referred to as home schooling) is governed in this state by Ohio Revised Code 3321.14 and by Ohio Administrative Code 3301-34-03. In order for a child to be excused from compulsory attendance, a superintendent must fulfill certain responsibilities, which can be found at this link: Superintendent-Responsibilities-for-Home-educated-Students.pdf.aspx Home education should not be confused with home instruction, which is provided in a child’s home by a licensed teacher when the child has an IEP and is unable to attend school due to a temporary or permanent disability.
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