BASA Member Update 9.28.18
Total funding available: Up to $125,000.00
Maximum funding per applicant or consortium: $25,000.00
Eligible Expenses and Project Terms
Local districts and schools are the fiscal agent for this grant application. Each application must include a proposed budget. Awards under the program are to be expended on eligible costs. Eligible costs (allowable uses of funds) must be expenses directly tied to the development of and/or implementation of the project and may include personnel or equipment where appropriate. All funds must be obligated and liquidated by 09/30/2019, and the Final Expenditure Report (FER) MUST be received by 09/30/2019 . No funds may be carried over past September 30, 2019. Food/beverages may not be included in the budget. Examples of allowable expenditures could include but are not limited to: mileage, buyout time for faculty member or district person, vendor for graphics, communications, rebuilding website, creating actual recruitment materials, meeting space.
Proposal Review Process and Timeline
Request for Proposal Released --- September 17, 2018
Submit Questions from Interested Parties --- September 17 - 28, 2018
Proposal Due by 12 p.m. ET (noon) --- October 15, 2018
Proposal Review Period --- October 16, 2018 – November 2, 2018
Notification of Awarded Proposals --- November 5, 2018
Proposal Submission
Submit applications to Nathaniel Steinlicht; by email on or before the due date listed above.
Award Notification
Grant award recipients will be contacted through email notification.
Questions may be directed to program contact: Nathaniel Steinlicht;
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