(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
Buckeye Association of School Administrators
2013-2014 Membership Directory
8050 North High Street Suite 150 • Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: 614-846-4080 Fax: 614-846-4081 Website: www.basa-ohio.org
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table of CONTENTS
Association Information
4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9
A Message from Our President
BASA in Brief
The 2013-2014 Membership Directory is published for the: Buckeye Association of School Administrators 8050 North High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, Ohio 43235 Phone: (614) 846-4080 Fax: (614) 846-4081 Web site: www.basa-ohio.org
Our Mission
About BASA
BASA History
BASA 2013-2014 Executive Committee
Published by:
BASA Staff
Naylor, LLC 5950 NW First Place
BASA Past Presidents
Gainesville, Florida 32607 Phone: (352) 332-1252 (800) 369-6220 Fax: (352) 331-3525 Web site: www.naylor.com
10 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 19 21 39 61 63 64 65 66
BASA Premier Partners
BASA 2013-2014 Conferences/Workshops
Publisher: Kathleen Gardner
BASA 2013-2014 Committee Chairs
BASA Recommendations
Editor: Marbella Miller
BASA Cooperative Sponsors
Project Manager: Ray Goodwin
BASA Joint Conference Sponsors
Marketing: Kent Agramonte
BASA Organizational Structure
Advertising Director: Brian Agnes
BASA Membership Services
Products & Services Marketplace
Advertising Sales: Brian Carsten
Brian Donohoe Meaghen Foden Nicole Hudson Wayne Jury Aneita Lemonds Josh Olson Lee Turner Norma Walchuk Paul Woods
BASA Members listed Alphabetically
BASA Members listed by School District
BASA Partner Members
BASA Code of Ethics
Layout & Design: Sanju S Mohan
Index of Advertisers
©2013 Naylor, LLC. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
Please go to our website at www.basa-ohio.org to see BASA’s Bylaws.
a message from our PRESIDENT Dear BASA Members,
Now that things are in full swing in most districts, I hope that everyone is having a successful 2013-2014 school year so far. If you are like me, you are probably busier than ever trying to keep up with the plethora of changes that have occurred in edu- cation in Ohio recently. Common Core, PARCC, Third Grade Reading Guarantee, OTES, OPES, FIP, and Assessment Literacy are just a few. As the educational leader in your district, it is critical that you gain a thorough understanding of the new initiatives and programs that are being implemented. It is difficult to expect our administrators and teachers to understand and embrace these changes if we are not willing to lead by example and do the same. I understand how easy it is to get “bogged down” trying to meet the demands of the day-to-day challenges that occur in our districts. Since most of us do not have the luxury of having a substitute cover for us when we are out of the office for a meeting or we get away for that rare vacation, the work is just waiting for us when we get back. Actually, due to technology, we are lucky if the work waits at all. Most of the time, it finds us wherever we happen to be. Our smart phones and tablets have allowed us to be accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. Due to these constant demands on our time, we may think there isn’t enough time to attend meetings and professional development opportunities when they are offered. This is especially true when we have all endured the several-hour commute to attend a meeting that was a complete waste of time! The challenges of professional develop- ment are all too real; however, we cannot allow ourselves to become isolated within our districts and deny ourselves the opportunity to learn from others. As superintendents, we are actually required to participate in professional development. The Ohio Standards for Superintendents state that effective superin- tendents engage in activities for personal professional growth that reflect commit- ment to lifelong learning and best practices in addition to providing high-quality professional development for all staff that is aligned with district goals, curriculum, and instruction. To meet this expectation, I would encourage you to utilize the services of BASA. Several of BASA’s staff members are former superintendents who have been in your shoes. They know your time is valuable and they make sure the meetings and conferences are of high quality and worth your time. You can also utilize their services without ever leaving the office. They provide relevant informa- tion on their website and they have knowledgeable staff members who are available via phone or email to answer questions or offer advice. I encourage you to allow BASA to support you in becoming a knowledgeable superintendent who can effectively lead your staff through these challenging times. I also encourage you to connect with other colleagues throughout the state to ask questions and share success stories. This directory can assist you in that endeavor. Thank you for all you do on behalf of Ohio’s 1.8 million children!
Randy J. Lucas BASA President
The mission of the Buckeye Association of School Administrators is to inspire and support its members, develop exemplary school system leaders and advocate for public education.
BASA is a nonprofit organization comprised of individual members. Membership includes superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors, building level-administrators, department heads, university professors, graduate students, state department personnel, and service (corporate) members. An executive committeemade up of a president, president- elect, past president and regional directors from all of BASA’s 10 regions and appointees from OESCA, OALSS and OACTS govern the Association. At times an appointed director also may serve on the committee. An executive director leads the operations of the Association. The Association staff is com- prised of a team of professional and support staff. BASA was established as an incorporated nonprofit organi- zation in 1969 to serve the needs of Ohio superintendents. It is an association of individual members focused on the advance- ment of public education. BASA also is a charter member of the American Association of School Administrators. BASA’s services are divided generally into the areas of legislative, professional growth and development, commu- nications and public relations, and member orientation. In addition, BASA offers legal assistance, member advocacy, counseling, and strategic planning assistance. BASA expresses the concerns and needs of its members in the legislative arena at the statehouse and Department of Education.
Legal structure:
Monies to support BASA operation and services come from membership dues and non-dues revenue, such as confer- ences, product sales and corporate sponsorships.
The mission of the Buckeye Association of School Administrators is to inspire and support its members, develop exemplary school system leaders and advocate for public education.
about BASA
Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), an incorporated non-profit organization established in 1969 to serve the needs of Ohio superintendents, is an association of individual members focused on the advancement of public educa- tion. To serve its members, BASA offers a variety of programs and services. BASA’s services are divided generally into the areas of legislative, professional growth and development, communications and public relations, and member orientation. In addition, BASA offers legal assistance, member advocacy, counseling, and strate- gic planning assistance. BASA expresses the concerns and needs of its members in the legislative arena at the statehouse and Department of Education. BASA is a charter member of the American Association of School Administrators and works closely with other professional education-related associations and organizations. Membership includes superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors, build- ing level-administrators, department heads, state department personnel, university professors, graduate students, and service members. Approximately 95 percent of eligible chief school administrators in Ohio are members of BASA.
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01/10/13 1:35 AM
On June 26, 1969, more than 400 of Ohio’s school administrators gave a resounding vote of confidence to a new administrative organization – Buckeye Association of School Administrators. The willingness of Ohio’s administrators to band together for the common good of public education spoke eloquently for the future. A confirmation ballot mailed to school administrators showed a vote of 663-14 in favor of the new administrators’ organization. BASA’s first executive direc- tor was Harold Sebold, and its first president was Bill Fox. One year after BASA was chartered, active membership was 630 and overall membership was 875. The foundation for a strong and growing administration group had been laid. Today BASA has 759 active members and 1225 total members. Members include superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors, principals, university professors and department heads, state department personnel, graduate students, and service members. Membership categories include active, associate, graduate, honorary, institutional, partners, retired, affiliate, and lifetime members. We’ve come a long way since 1969. We now have a staff of nine full- and part-time persons, legal counsel on retainer, and an executive committee led by a president, president-elect, past president, and directors from all 10 BASA regions. BASA also has 16 working committees in which members actively participate. Since Harold Sebold, five other executive directors have led BASA: John Hauck (1973-1986), Rod Rice (1986-1999), Dick Maxwell (2000-2005), Dr. Jerry Klenke (2005-2010) and currently Dr. Kirk Hamilton. Randy Lucas, superintendent of Barnesville Exempted Village Schools is our 44th president, Michael Tefs, superintendent of Wooster City Schools is our president-elect. With strong leadership, actively involved members and a dedicated passion to support public education in Ohio, BASA will continue to thrive in the years to come. As we enter into our 44th year of membership, we can look to the past and be proud of the progress we’ve made and know that as educational leaders united, we can make a difference for Ohio’s students. “BASA is embarked in a venture that sparkles with possibilities. Only the member- ship controls the destiny of our new organization. Faith and action will make dreams become realities. The time for both is now.” – Harold Sebold, BASA Executive Director, 1969-1973
President Randy Lucas Superintendent Barnesville Exempted Village Schools 210 W. Church St. Barnesville, OH 43713 (740) 425-3615 President-Elect Michael Tefs Superintendent Wooster City Schools 144 N. Market St. Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 988-1111 Fax: (330) 262-3407 wstr_mtefs@woostercityschools.org Fax: (740) 425-5000 barn_rl@omeresa.net Past President Randy Boroff Superintendent Revere Local Schools 3496 Everett Rd. Bath, OH 44210 (330) 523-3101 Fax: (330) 659-3127 rboroff@revereschools.org Region 1 Director Nate Johnson Superintendent Stryker Local Schools 400 S. Defiance Stryker, OH 43557 (419) 682-2841 Fax: (419) 682-2646 njohnson@strykerpanthers.org Region 2 Director Kevin Haught Superintendent Arlington Local Schools 336 S. Main St. Arlington, OH 45814 (419) 365-5121 Fax: (419) 365-1282 haughtk@ag.noacsc.org
Region 3 Director Cynthia Walker Superintendent Brooklyn City Schools 9200 Biddulph Road Brooklyn, OH 44144 (216) 485-8110 Fax: (216) 485-8118 cynthia.walker@brooklyn.k12.oh.us
Region 8 Director Doug Ute Superintendent
Newark City Schools 85 East Main Street Newark, OH 43055 (740) 670-7000 Fax: (740) 670-7009 dute@laca.org
Region 4 Director Russell Bennett Superintendent Aurora City Schools 102 E. Garfield Road Aurora, OH 44202 (330) 954-2228 Fax: (330) 562-4892 rbennett@aurora-schools.org Region 5 Director Tom Perkins Superintendent Northern Local Schools 8700 Sheridan Road NW Thornville, OH 43076 (740) 743-1303 Fax: (740) 743-3301 no_tperkins@seovec.org Region 6 Director Rhonda Bohannon Superintendent Three Rivers Local Schools
Region 9 Director Susan Gunnell Superintendent Huber Heights City Schools 5954 Longford Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 237-6300 Fax: (937) 237-6307 Susan.gunnell@huberheightscityschools.org
Region 10 Director Ben Chaffee Director Adult Education
EHOVE Career Center 316 West Mason Road Milan, OH 44846 (419) 499-4663 Fax: (419) 499-5391 bchaffee@ehove.net
Appointed Director David James Superintendent Akron City Schools 70 N. Broadway Akron, OH 44308 (330) 761-2920 Fax: (330) 761-3225 djames@akron.k12.oh.us OACTS Margaret Hess Superintendent Warren County Career Center 3525 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 932-5677 Fax: (513) 934-0121 maggie.hess@mywccc.org OALSS Director Mark Neal Superintendent Tri-Valley Local Schools 36 E. Muskingum Avenue Dresden, OH 43821 (740) 754-1442 OESCA Director David Distel Superintendent Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231-1499 (513) 674-4236 Fax: (740) 754-6400 mneal@tvschools.org
92 Cleves Avenue Cleves, OH 45002 (513) 941-6400 Fax: (513) 467-1107 rbohannon@trlsd.org
Region 7 Director Kevin Spears Superintendent East Central Ohio ESC 834 East High Ave. New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 308-9939 Fax: (330) 308-0964 kevin.spears@ecoesc.org
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20/09/12 11:16 AM
basa STAFF
R. Kirk Hamilton, Executive Director hamilton@basa-ohio.org Jerry Klenke, Deputy Director klenke@basa-ohio.org Kathleen D. Lowery, Co-Director of Membership Development lowery@basa-ohio.org Debbie Campbell, Co-Director of Membership Development campbell@basa-ohio.org Tom Ash, Director of Government Relations ash@basa-ohio.org
Don Stewart, Director of Finance stewart@basa-ohio.org Denise Hall, Executive Assistant hall@basa-ohio.org Tenecia LeFlore, Executive Assistant leflore@basa-ohio.org Kathryn Williams, Executive Assistant williams@basa-ohio.org
Deceased Willard Fox
1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99
Bradley Cox
Dr. Donald Thompson Dr. Charles Wiedenmann
1970 1971
Dr. Harold Wilson
Deceased Paul Miller
Dr. Ernest Husarik Dr. James Hyre Dr. Scott Howard Bruce Hawkins Steve Farnsworth Dr. Damon Asbury
1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81
Dave Harcum Dallas Gardner Deceased Phillip Williams Grant Kibbel Deceased Dr. Frank Barr Harold Daup Robert Smith Deceased Dr. William Drury Dr. Richard Boyd Deceased H. Paul Snyder Dr. Robert Shreve Richard Maxwell J. Roderick Rice Dr. Sherry Lahr Dr. Roger Lulow Rod Swank Dr. John Goff
1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Tom Ash
Dr. James W. Mahoney
Dennis Woods
Deceased Dr. Harry E. Eastridge Patricia Brenneman
Dr. Kirk Hamilton Marc Robinson
1981-82 1982-83
David Horine
David J. Laurenzi Dale Edwards Debbie Finkes Dr. Jeffrey Weaver
1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89
Karel Oxley Randy Boroff
CompManagement, Inc. John Logue PO Box 884 Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 760-1744 Fax: (614) 932-1872 john.logue@sedgwickcms.com www.compmgt.com
Elevate Learning Stephanie Huey 980 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 450-4323 stephanieh@elevatelearning.net www.elevatek12.com
Bricker & Eckler LLP Kimball Carey 100 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 227-4891 Fax: (614) 227-2390 kcarey@bricker.com www.bricker.com
Discovery Education Damien Padilla One Discovery Place Silver Spring, MD 20910 (800) 323-9084 Fax: (847) 328-6706
Energy Optimizers USA Greg Smith 7950 South County Road 25A Tipp City, OH 45371 (937) 877-1919 Fax: (937) 877-1911 gsmith@energyoptimizersusa.com www.energyoptimizersusa.com
Britton Smith Peters & Kalail Co., LPA David Kane Smith 3 Summit Park Drive, Suite 400 Cleveland, OH 44131 (216) 503-5055 Fax: (216) 503-5065 dsmith@ohioedlaw.com www.ohioedlaw.com
damien_padilla@discovery.com www.discoveryeducation.com
Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. Ned Grossman 3201 Enterprise Parkway #450 Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 839-5000 Fax: (216) 378-4000 ned@grossmanconsulting.com
Chevron Energy Solutions George Locher 4040 Embassy Parkway, Suite 270 Akron, OH 44333 (330) 664-2007 glocher@chevron.com www.chevron.com
EF Education First Katherine Hastings Schlemann One Education Street Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 619-1657 Fax: (800) 318-3732 Katherine.schlemann@ef.com www.ef.com
NEOLA Pat Corbett 3914 Clock Pointe Trail Stow, OH 44221 (330) 926-0514 Fax: (330) 926-0525 pcorbett@neola.com www.neola.com
Ohio School Plan/Hylant Joe Seay 811 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor Toledo, OH 43604 (800) 288-6821 Fax: (800) 924-6615 osp@hylant.com www.ohioschoolplan.org
www.ashland.edu Gene Linton, Executive Director | elinton@ashland.edu 401 College Avenue | Ashland, Ohio 44805 | 419.289.5921 Offering customized solutions to contemporary professional educators
600831_Ashland.indd 1
09/08/12 9:34 PM
Shafley Plan Management Services/ Optimal Health Initiatives Elaine Shafley
Peck Shaffer LLP Ed Cavezza 65 East State Street, Suite 500 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 233-5400 Fax: (614) 224-0069 ecavezza@peck-shaffer.com www.peck-shaffer.com
Stifel Nicolaus & Company Inc. Marvin Founds First Start Tower, Suite 230 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 227-3792
135 East Main Street Plain City, OH 43064 (614) 873-6398 Fax: (614) 873-5424
Eshafley@ohi-online.org www.shafleyplanmgt.com
Fax: (614) 227-5629 foundsm@stifel.com www.stifel.com
Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd. William Pepple 5005 Rockside Road, Suite 260 Cleveland, OH 44131 (216) 520-0088 Fax: (216) 520-0044 wpepple@pepple-waggoner.com www.pepple-waggoner.com
Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP Adam Miller 65 E. State St. Suite 1000 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 221-2838
Software-Answers ProgressBook/DASL Janice Schenk 6770 West Snowville Road Cleveland, OH 44141 Phone: (800) 638-5212 info@software-answers.com www.software-answers.com
Fax: (614) 221-2007 amiller@taftlaw.com www.taftlaw.com
Scholastic Education Ohio Account Executive 300 Madsen Drive, Suite 102 Bloomingdale, IL 60108 (614) 301-8620 smeddock@scholastic.com www.scholastic.com
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11/09/13 2:58 PM
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10/6/11 10:05:35 AM
2013 November 2013 1
February 2014 6
Ohio School Employment Law, BASA (B&E) 13-15 AASA National Conference, Nashville, TN 19-20 How to School Finance I, BASA 25 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 25-27 OSLI—Session, Doubletree Hotel
Legal Update Bricker & Eckler, BASA
5 6 7
BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School
BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton Cty. ESC
ASA Regional Meeting, Harry E Eastridge PDC 10-13 OSBA Capital Conference, Columbus Convention Center 13 BASA Breakfast at OSBA Capital Conference, Columbus Convention Center
March 2014 3-4
Celebrating Women in Leadership, Hilton Easton
4 5 6
Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Hamilton Cty. ESC
Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Athens-Meigs, ESC
December 2013 3
Employee Discipline (Upslope) Harry E Eastridge PDC 12-13 School Facilities Conference, Doubletree Worthington 25 Emerging Leaders, Doubletree Hotel Worthington 27 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA 28 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, Levis Commons April 2014 1-3 OSLI—Session, Doubletree Worthington 4 Communications Conference, BASA 10 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 11 BASA Regional Meeting, Harry E Eastridge PDC 23-24 How to School Finance I, BASA BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School 8 9 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton Cty. ESC
OLAC Summit, Doubletree Worthington 10 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 10-12 OSLI—Session, Doubletree Worthington 17-18 Mohican Forum, Hilton Polaris
2014 January 2014 8
Options for Financially Troubled Schools, BASA (B&E) 9 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA 10 BASA Regional Meeting, Harry E Eastridge PDC 13 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton Cty. ESC 14 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School 15-16 OALSS Annual Conference, Doubletree Worthington 21 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Hamilton Cty. ESC 22 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Athens-Meigs ESC 22 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, Levis Commons 23 Employee Discipline (UpSlope) Harry E Eastridge PDC 28-29 Emerging Leaders, Doubletree Worthington
May 2014 7
The Changing Landscapes for Passing School Tax Issues (Corky O’Callaghan), BASA
June 2014 9
BASA Golf Outing, Royal American 16-18 BASA Summer Conference, Columbus Convention Center 16-18 New Superintendents, Summer Conference
24-26 Employee Discipline (Upslope), BASA 26 School Facilities A-Z (Bricker & Eckler)
basa 2013-2014 COMMITTEE CHAIRS
CAREER & TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair: Bill Wittman, Tri County Career Center
OHSAA ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair: Doug Ute, Newark City Schools
REPORT CARD COMMITTEE Chair: Michael Tefs, Wooster City Schools
SCHOOL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair: Mike Estes, Crestview Local Schools
EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE Chair: Karen Boch, Wellston City Schools
STRS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair: Michael Sheppard, Berea City Schools
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Chair: Sherman Micsak, Bedford City Schools
STATE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE Chair: Bill Wise, South-Western City Schools
ODE FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair: Sharon McDermott, Franklin Local Schools
WOMEN’S OUTREACH COMMITTEE Chair: Tonya Sherburne, New Lexington City Schools
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26/09/13 11:46 PM
BASA proudly suggests considering the following services for our members:
Ohio School Plan Liability, property and fleet insurance for Ohio schools. A collaborative effort of BASA, OASBO and OSBA. Ohio School Pool Group purchasing of electricity for Ohio Schools. A collaborative effort of BASA, OASBO and OSBA.
First Communications Long distance telephone services
NEOLA Board Policy Services
Pay Schools Online Payment System
LifeTrack Services, Inc. Graduate follow-up studies.
Ohio Association of Local Superintendents 1. Annual OALSS Conference
Brickler & Eckler, LLP 1. BASA Legal Counsel 2. Full legal services to Ohio School Districts
Ohio Educational Service Center Association 1. OESCA Conferences
Peck Shaffer, LLP 1. Regional Workshops
Management Council – Ohio Educational Computer Network 1. Technology Improvement/Lobbying 2. Interactive Videoconferencing Battelle for Kids 1. ESEA, Federal Legislation-Conference 2. Summer Conference
Pepple & Waggoner 1. Regular Workshops
Ohio Educational Service Center Association OESCA Conference
Ohio School Boards Association OSBA Capital Conference
Battelle for Kids
Management Council – Ohio Educational Computer Network Technology Improvement/Lobbying Interactive Videoconferencing
ESEA, Federal Legislation-Conference Standards Conference, Value-Added Conference
Ohio Association of Local School Superintendents Annual OALSS Conference
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02/10/13 12:11 PM
Committees Standing Committees 1. Capital Conference 2. Communications & Professional Development 3. Exceptional Children 4. Legislative 5. Membership Services/Legal/Insurance 6. Report Card Advisory 7. School Facilities Advisory 8. State Department 9. Technology 10. Women’s Outreach 11. Ohio Board of Regents Advisory
An Association of School System Leaders
Divisions Ohio Association of Local School Superintendents Ohio Association of Joint Vocational Superintendents Ohio Educational Service Center Association Regional Associations Dayton Area Superintendents Association Franklin County Superintendents Association Greater Cleveland School Superintendents Association North Central Buckeye Association of School Administrators Northwest Ohio Association of School Administrators Ohio Mid-Eastern Regional Education Service Agency Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools Valley Association of School Administrators Interest Networks Mohican Institute/Sustaining Member BASA Women’s Outreach for Leadership Education Policy Network Education Tax Policy Institute Ohio Public Facilities and Maintenance Association
12. OHSAA Advisory 13. Finance Advisory
14. Career & Technical Advisory 15. Educational Service Center 16. STRS Committee Affiliates
Equity and Adequacy Coalition Alliance for Adequate Funding Knowledge Works/Gates Foundation Battelle for Kids Education Coalition BASA Organizational Structure Members Executive Committee consists of: Past President President President-elect 10 Regional Directors 3 year term 1 Appointed (at-large) 2 year term 1 OALSS 3 year term 1 OAJVS 3 year term 1 OESCA 3 year term
Services as Part of Dues A. Direct Representation with:
I. Leadership Development 1. Leadership to the Next Level – Prospective Superintendents 2. New Superintendents Transition Program – Early Career Superintendents 3. Ohio School Leadership Institute 4. OSLI Scholars (Alumni) 5. Education Policy Network – Grassroots Public Engagement 6. Resource Partnership – Executive Coaching J. Professional network – BASA membership provides a collegial network with which one can share and receive professional and personal partnership. Buckeye Association of School Administrators I. Leadership Training Services 1. Ohio School Leadership Institute 2. New Superintendents Transition Program 3. OSLI Alumni: Leadership training for OSLI alumni network 4. Prospective or current superintendents – Emerging Leaders Institute 5. Education Policy Network – Grassroots 6. Executive Coaching for New Superintendents 7. Retirement Planning – What’s After the Superintendency K. Personal Service – BASA staff will make every effort to provide assistance and service addressing individual needs of members. 8. Special Education Law 9. Quality Management 10. Abatement 11. Special Education Legal Issues 12. Retirement Planning – What’s After the Superintendency? 13. Administrator Evaluation 14. Brokered Consultant Services 15. Other III. Individual Member Assistance Services 1. Contract Development 2. Legal Assistance regarding contract 3. Review of portfolios/resumes 4. Lobbying on behalf of members 5. Legal Assistance – Legal Counsel, Bricker & Eckler 6. Conflict intervention 7. Superintendent/Board relations 8. Information Retrieval IV. Professional Development 1. Fall Conference 2. Summer Conference – BASA & Battelle for Kids 3. School Facilities Conference 4. Women’s Leadership Conference II. Tools of Leadership Training Services 1. Strategic Planning 2. School Law 3. School Finance 4. Community Engagement 5. Board/superintendent relations 6. Facility Planning 7. Improvement of Instruction
1. Ohio Department of Education 2. Other Associations including, OSBA, OAESA, OASSA, OASBO 3. Coalition of Educational Organizations 4. Governor’s office 5. Various state agencies and commissions 6. AASA
B. Direct Lobbying with the Ohio General Assembly
C. Legal Counsel including:
1. Interpretation and advice 2. Legal assistance (Financial support) 3. Legal counsel for direct representation
D. Contract Assistance including: 1. Model contract language 2. Contract consultation – review and preparation 3. Conflict intervention regarding a superintendent’s contract 4. Negotiation of contract for resolution E. Return of Dues Program – Where members have 10 consecutive years of membership, an estate of the last 10 years’ dues is returned to the beneficiary. G. Publications 1. Adminiscope – A quarterly newsletter from your association reporting activities and issues important to school leaders. 2. On Advice of Counsel – A newsletter from BASA’s legal counsel addressing pertinent legal issues for school leaders. 3. Salary Study – An annual salary study providing relevant salary and fringe benefit information for Ohio superintendents. 4. Legislative Updates – Summaries of current legislative bills and issues. 5. Position Papers – Positions developed by membership and staff on education issues of significance to Ohio superintendents. 6. Membership Directory 7. Ohio Construction Law Newsletter , Bricker & Eckler LLP 8. Bricker Bullets , Bricker & Eckler LLP 9. Superintendent-School Board Relations Newsletter – A newsletter to stimulate meaningful conversation between superintendent and school board members. F. Job Bulletin – Listings of administrative vacancies in Ohio
H. Recognition Awards
1. Exemplary Leadership Award (Regional) 2. Distinguished Service Award 3. Years of Service Award 4. President’s Award 5. Ohio Superintendent of the Year Award 6. John G. Hauck Scholarship 7. Technology-Superintendent Year Award 8. Warren Russell Leadership Award 9. Betsy M. Cowles Exemplary Leadership Award
VII. Consultants basa MEMBERSHIP SERVICES V. Fee Based A. Services 1. Leadership 2. School Finance 3. Strategic Planning 4. Community Engagement 5. Others, upon request
1. Joel Roscoe – School Finance 2. Corky O’Callaghan – Public Engagement and Levy Promotion 3. Kimball Carey – BASA Legal Counsel 4. Bill Driscoll, Howard Fleeter – Education Tax Policy Institute 5. Charles Parsons – Superintendent-Board Relations
B. Publications
VIII. Partnership Agreements
1. Management Guide
1. Gates-McDonald – Worker’s Compensation Pool 2. NEOLA – Board Policy Development
VI. Communication Services
1. Ohio Construction Law Newsletter – Bricker & Eckler LLP – membership 2. On Advice of Counsel – Bricker & Eckler LLP – membership 3. Bricker Bullets – Bricker & Eckler LLP – membership 4. Annual Salary Study – membership 5. Legislative Updates – membership 6. Position Papers – membership 7. Membership Directory – membership 8. Adminiscope – membership 9. Management Guide – Notebook and/or CD – fee 10. School Finance Newsletter – fee 11. School Finance Newsletter Notebook and/or CD – fee 12. “How To” School Finance I and II Notebook and/or CD – fee 13. School Finance Notebook – fee 14. School Finance – “A Practitioners Guide” – (Maxwell and Sweetland) – fee
IX. Association Partners
A. BASA/OSBA/OASBO 1. Ohio School Plan – Liability, Fleet and Property Insurance 2. Ohio School Pool – Group purchase of Electricity 3. Pay Schools – Online Payment Program 4. Joint Legislative Conference 5. Budget Conferences
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basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY
A Adkins, C. Willard Superintendent Columbiana County Career Center 9364 S.R. 45 Lisbon, OH 44432 (330) 424-1105; fax: (330) 424-1105 willard.adkins@ccctc.k12.oh.us Adkins, Patrick Superintendent Port Clinton City Schools 807 S. Jefferson Street Port Clinton, OH 43452 (419) 732-2102; fax: (419) 734-4527 padkins@pccsd.net Aerni, Kenneth Assistant Superintendent Maumee City Schools 716 Askin Street Maumee, OH 43537 (419) 893-3200; fax: (419) 891-5387 kaerni@maumeek12.org Alberts, Teresa Superintendent Garaway Local Schools 146 Dover Road NW Sugarcreek, OH 44681 (330) 852-2421; fax: (330) 852-2991 talberts@garaway.org Allen, Kimberly Assistant Superintendent Euclid City Schools 651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 797-2922; fax: (216) 797-2928 kallen@euclid.k12.oh.us Allison, Adrian Superintendent Canton City Schools 305 McKinley Avenue SW Canton, OH 44707 (330) 438-4241; fax: (330) 430-4230 allison_a@ccsdistrict.org Alsept, Robert Superintendent New Philadelphia City Schools 248 Front Ave SW New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 364-0600; fax: (330) 364-0611 alseptb@npschools.org Amodio, Robert Superintendent Norwood City Schools 2132 Williams Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45212 (513) 926-2501; fax: (513) 396-6420 amodio.r@norwoodschools.org
Anderson, Kathryn Director of Special Education Switzerland of Ohio 304 Mill St Woodsfield, OH 43793 (740) 472-5801; fax: (740) 472-0331 kathyrn.anderson@omeresa.net Ankrom, Ty Superintendent Pickaway County Educational Service Center 2050 Stoneridge Drive Centerville, OH 43113 (740) 474-7529; fax: (740) 474-7251 ty.ankrom@pickawayesc.org Applegate, Thomas Executive Director Ohio Association of Career & Technical Superintendents 6628 Wildrose Lane Westerville, OH 43082 (512) 797-7271; fax: (614) 818-4059 tomgobucks@gmail.com Arbaugh, Jay Superintendent Keystone Local Schools 301 Liberty St., PO Box 65 Lagrange, OH 44050 (440) 355-5131; fax: (440) 355-6052 jay.arbaugh@keystone.k12.oh.us Arnold, Stephen Superintendent Wayne Trace Local Schools 4915 US RT 127 Haviland, OH 45851 (419) 399-4113; fax: (419) 263-2377 arnolds@wt.k12.oh.us Ash, George Superintendent Jefferson County Educational Service Center 730 Peppard Ave Cadiz, OH 43907 (740) 283-3347; fax: (740) 283-2709 Superintendent Highland Local 3880 Ridge Rd Medina, OH 44256 (330) 239-1901; fax: (330) 239-2456 aukerman@highlandschools.org B Bachman, Rick Director Four County JVS 22-900 S R 34, PO Box 245A Archbold, OH 43502 (419) 267-2202; fax: (419) 267-2345 rbachman@fourcounty.net Bainter, Monte Superintendent Maysville Local Schools 2805 Pinkerton Road, PO Box 1818 Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 453-0754; fax: (740) 455-4081 mbainter@laca.org george.ash@omeresa.net Aukerman, Catherine
Bair, David Superintendent Joseph Badger Local Schools 7119 St. Route 7 Kinsman, OH 44428 (330) 876-2810; fax: (330) 876-2811 david.bair@neomin.org Baker, Janet Superintendent Hamilton City Schools 533 Dayton Street, PO Box 627 Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 868-4436; fax: (513) 868-4473 janet_baker@fc.hamilton-city.k12.oh.us Baker, Kirk Superintendent Jackson Milton Local Schools Columbia Local Schools 25796 Royalton Road Columbia Station, OH 44028 (440) 236-5008; fax: (440) 236-8817 bansekg@columbia.k12.oh.us Barrell, Trina Director of Instruction Logan Hocking Local Schools 2019 East Front Street Logan, OH 43138 (740) 385-8517; fax: (740) 385-3683 tbarrell@lhsd.k12.oh.us Barrett, Stephen Superintendent Kirtland Local Schools 9252 Chillicothe Road Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 256-3360; fax: (440) 256-3831 steve.barrett@kirtlandschools.org Barrett, Timothy Assistant Superintendent Montgomery County Educational Service Center 200 South Keowee Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 225-4598; fax: (937) 496-7426 t.barrett@mcesc.org 201 South Walnut Street Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) 767-7381; fax: (937) 767-6604 mbasora@ysschools.org Beattie, Bill Superintendent Edison Local Schools 14890 St. Rt. 213, Hammondsville, OH 43930 (740) 282-0065; fax: (740) 532-2860 bill.beattie@omeresa.net Beatty, Scott Superintendent Dalton Local Schools 177 North Mill Street, PO Box 514 Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-2267; fax: (330) 828-2800 dltn_beatty@tccsa.net 13910 Mahoning Avenue North Jackson, OH 44451 (330) 538-3232; fax: (330) 538-6297 kirk.baker@jacksonmilton.k12.oh.us Bansek, Graig Superintendent Basora, Mario Superintendent Yellow Springs EVS
Belcher, Erik Superintendent
Fayette Local Schools 400 East Gamble Road Fayette, OH 43521 (419) 237-2573; fax: (419) 237-3125 ebelcher@fayettesch.org Bell, Keith Superintendent Euclid City Schools 651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 261-2900; fax: (216) 261-3120 kbell@euclid.k12.oh.us Bell, Kevin Superintendent Trotwood- Madison City Schools 3594 N. Snyder Rd Trotwood, OH 45426 (937) 854-3050; fax: (937) 854-3057 kevinbell@trotwood.k12.oh.us Greenon Local Schools 500 Enon-Xenia Road Enon, OH 45323 (937) 864-1202; fax: (937) 864-2470 dbennett@greenon.k12.oh.us Bennett, Russell Superintendent Aurora City Schools 102 East Garfield Road Aurora, OH 44202 (330) 954-2228; fax: (330) 562-4892 rbennett@aurora-schools.org Bereschik, Richard Superintendent Wellsville Local Schools 929 Center Street Wellsville, OH 43968 (330) 532-2643; fax: (330) 532-6204 rbereschik@wellsville.k12.oh.us Bidlack, Broc Superintendent Fairless Local Schools 11885 Navarre Road SW Navarre, OH 44662 (330) 767-3577; fax: (330) 767-3298 bidlack_b@falcon.stark.k12.oh.us Bird, Adam Superintendent New Richmond EVS 212 Market Street, 3rd Floor New Richmond, OH 45157 (513) 553-2616; fax: (513) 553-6431 bird_a@nrschools.org Bishop, Matt Superintendent Lockland Local Schools 210 N. Cooper Cincinnati, OH 45215 (513) 563-5000; fax: (513) 563-9611 matt.bishop@locklandschools.org Bixler, Andrew Superintendent Anna Local Schools One McRill Way, PO Box 169 Anna, OH 45302 (937) 394-4251; fax: (937) 394-7658 abixler@anna.k12.oh.us Bennett, Dan Superintendent
Amstutz, Ken Superintendent Van Wert City Schools
205 West Crawford Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 238-0648; fax: (419) 238-3974 k_amstutz@vwcs.net
basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY
Blair, Christina Assistant Superintendent Kings Local Schools 1797 King Avenue, PO Box 910 Kings Mills, OH 45034 (513) 459-2922; fax: (513) 229-7590 tblair@kingslocal.net Blatt, Dennis Superintendent Washington County JVS 21740 St. Rt. 676 Marietta, OH 45750 (740) 373-2766; fax: (740) 373-9026 dblatt@thecareercenter.net Boch, Karen Superintendent Wellston City Schools 1 East Broadway Wellston, OH 45692 (740) 384-2152; fax: (740) 384-3948 kboch@wcs.k12.oh.us Minster Local Schools 50 East Seventh Street Minster, OH 45865 (419) 628-3397; fax: (419) 628-2482 brenda.boeke@minster.k12.oh.us Bohannon, Rhonda Superintendent Three Rivers Local Schools 92 Cleves Avenue Cleves, OH 45002 (513) 941-6400; fax: (513) 467-1107 rbohannon@trlsd.org Bolden, Fred Director of Personnel Solon City Schools 33800 Inwood Road Solon, OH 44139 (440) 349-6228; fax: (440) 248-7665 fredbolden@solonboe.org Bond, Roger Superintendent Buckeye JVS 545 University Drive NE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 339-2288; fax: (330) 339-5159 rbond@buckeyecareercenter.org Bookman, Rusty Superintendent Meigs Local Schools 41765 Pomeroy Pike Pomeroy, OH 45769 (740) 992-2153; fax: (740) 992-7814 rusty.bookman@meigslocal.org Bornino-Elwell, Terrilynn Director Lakewood City Academy 1470 Warren Road Lakewood, OH 44147 (216) 227-5925; fax: (216) 227-5975 terrilynn.elwell@lakewood.k12.oh.us Boroff, Randy Superintendent Revere Local Schools 3496 Everett Road, PO Box 340 Bath, OH 44210 (330) 523-3101; fax: (330) 659-3127 rboroff@revereschools.org Boeke, Brenda Superintendent
Borton, Tony Superintendent Elmwood Local Schools
Bringman, Linda Superintendent Woodmore Local Schools 349 Rice Street, PO Box 701 Elmore, OH 43416 (419) 862-1060; fax: (419) 862-1951 lbringman@woodmore.k12.oh.us Brinkman, Kevin Superintendent Ottawa-Glandorf Local Schools 630 Glendale Avenue Ottawa, OH 45875 (419) 523-5261; fax: (419) 523-5978 brinkman@ottawaglandorf.org Britton, Robert Superintendent Ridgedale Local Schools 3103 Hillman-Ford Road Morral, OH 43337 (740) 382-6065; fax: (740) 383-6538 rbritton@ridgedaleschools.org Brockway, Jerome Superintendent Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center 1565 State Route 167 Jefferson, OH 44047 (440) 576-6015; fax: (440) 576-5258 jerome.brockway@atech.edu 307 West High Street McArthur, OH 45698 (740) 596-5218; fax: (740) 596-3142 rick.brooks@vinton.k12.oh.us Broughton, Jan Superintendent Fairfield Union Local Schools 6417 Cincinnati Zanesville Rd. NE Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 536-7384; fax: (740) 536-9132 janbroughton@fairfield-union.k12.oh.us Brown, Jeffrey Superintendent Granville Exempted Village Schools 130 N. Granger St. Granville, OH 43023 (740) 587-8110; fax: (888) 683-7730 jrbrown@granvilleschools.org Brown, Keith Superintendent Washington Court House City Schools 306 Highland Avenue Washington Court House, OH 43160 (740) 335-6620; fax: (740) 335-1245 keith.brown@wchcs.org Brown, Larry Superintendent Wauseon EVS 126 S. Fulton St Wauseon, OH 43567 (419) 335-6616; fax: (419) 335-3978 lbrown@wauseonindians.org Brooks, Rick Superintendent Vinton County Local Schools
Browning, Valerie Superintendent Kings Local Schools 1797 King Avenue, PO Box 910 Kings Mills, OH 45034 (513) 398-8050; fax: (513) 229-7590 vbrowning@kingslocal.net
7650 Jerry City Road Bloomdale, OH 44817 (419) 655-2583; fax: (419) 655-3995 bortt@elmwoodschools.org Bosch, Christy Assistant Superintendent Logan Hocking Local Schools 2019 East Front Street Logan, OH 43138 (740) 385-8517; fax: (740) 385-3683 cbosch@lhsd.k12.oh.us Perry Local Schools 4201 13th Street SW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 477-8121; fax: (330) 478-6184 bowe@perrylocal.org Bowen, Matthew Superintendent Campbell City Schools 280 Sixth St Campbell, OH 44405 (330) 799-8777; fax: (330) 799-0875 mbowen@campbell.k12.oh.us Bowers, Trent Assistant Superintendent Worthington City Schools 200 E. Wilson Bridge Rd Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 883-3000; fax: (614) 883-3010 tbowers@worthington.k12.oh.us Boyer, Kenneth Superintendent North Central Local Schools 400 Baubice Street Pioneer, OH 43554 (419) 737-2392; fax: (419) 737-3361 kboyer@northcentralschool.org Branch, David Superintendent Muskingum Valley ESC 1605 Airport Road New Lexington, OH 43764 (740) 342-3502; fax: (740) 342-1961 david.branch@mvesc.org Brand, David Superintendent South Central Local Schools 3305 Greenwich Angling Road Greenwich, OH 44837 (419) 752-3815; fax: (419) 752-0812 dbrand@south-central.org Bratten, Thomas Superintendent Salem City Schools 1226 East State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 332-0316; fax: (330) 332-8936 brattent@salem.k12.oh.us Bright, Kevin Assistant Superintendent Lakewood City Schools 1470 Warren Rd. Lakewood, OH 44107 (216) 529-4092; fax: (216) 228-8327 kevin.bright@lakewood.k12.oh.us Bowe, Martin Superintendent
Brunn, Vicki Superintendent Central Local Schools
06289 US Highway 127 Sherwood, OH 43556 (419) 658-8971; fax: (419) 658-4010 vicki.brunn@centrallocal.org Buchenic, Richard Superintendent Hubbard Exempted Village Schools 150 Hall Avenue Hubbard, OH 44425 (330) 534-1921; fax: (330) 534-0522 buchenicr@hubbard.k12.oh.us Burkitt, Todd Superintendent Scioto Valley Local Schools 1414 Piketon Road, PO Box 600 Piketon, OH 45661 (740) 289-4456; fax: (740) 289-3065 tburkitt@piketon.k12.oh.us Burns, Fred Superintendent Toronto City Schools 1307 Dennis Way Toronto, OH 43964 (740) 532-2456; fax: (740) 537-1102 Superintendent Georgetown EVS 1043 Mt. Orab Pike Georgetown, OH 45121 (937) 378-3730; fax: (937) 378-2219 chris.burrows@gtown.k12.oh.us Busdeker, Larry Superintendent Hancock County Educational Service Center 7746 CR 140 Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 422-7525; fax: (419) 422-8766 busdekerl@hancockesc.org Bussey, William Superintendent Mid-East Career & Technology Center 400 Richards Road Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 454-0105; fax: (740) 454-0731 bbussey@mid-east.k12.oh.us C fred.burns@omeresa.net Burrows, Christopher
Cagwin, Philip Superintendent Monroe Local Schools 500 Yankee Road Monroe, OH 45050
Brown, Shawn Superintendent
St. Marys City Schools 100 W. Spring Street St. Marys, OH 45885 (419) 394-4312; fax: (419) 394-5638 shawn.brown@smriders.net
(513) 539-2536; fax: (513) 539-2648 pcagwin@monroelocalschools.com
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