(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
BASA proudly suggests considering the following services for our members:
Ohio School Plan Liability, property and fleet insurance for Ohio schools. A collaborative effort of BASA, OASBO and OSBA. Ohio School Pool Group purchasing of electricity for Ohio Schools. A collaborative effort of BASA, OASBO and OSBA.
First Communications Long distance telephone services
NEOLA Board Policy Services
Pay Schools Online Payment System
LifeTrack Services, Inc. Graduate follow-up studies.
Ohio Association of Local Superintendents 1. Annual OALSS Conference
Brickler & Eckler, LLP 1. BASA Legal Counsel 2. Full legal services to Ohio School Districts
Ohio Educational Service Center Association 1. OESCA Conferences
Peck Shaffer, LLP 1. Regional Workshops
Management Council – Ohio Educational Computer Network 1. Technology Improvement/Lobbying 2. Interactive Videoconferencing Battelle for Kids 1. ESEA, Federal Legislation-Conference 2. Summer Conference
Pepple & Waggoner 1. Regular Workshops
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