(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY
Blair, Christina Assistant Superintendent Kings Local Schools 1797 King Avenue, PO Box 910 Kings Mills, OH 45034 (513) 459-2922; fax: (513) 229-7590 tblair@kingslocal.net Blatt, Dennis Superintendent Washington County JVS 21740 St. Rt. 676 Marietta, OH 45750 (740) 373-2766; fax: (740) 373-9026 dblatt@thecareercenter.net Boch, Karen Superintendent Wellston City Schools 1 East Broadway Wellston, OH 45692 (740) 384-2152; fax: (740) 384-3948 kboch@wcs.k12.oh.us Minster Local Schools 50 East Seventh Street Minster, OH 45865 (419) 628-3397; fax: (419) 628-2482 brenda.boeke@minster.k12.oh.us Bohannon, Rhonda Superintendent Three Rivers Local Schools 92 Cleves Avenue Cleves, OH 45002 (513) 941-6400; fax: (513) 467-1107 rbohannon@trlsd.org Bolden, Fred Director of Personnel Solon City Schools 33800 Inwood Road Solon, OH 44139 (440) 349-6228; fax: (440) 248-7665 fredbolden@solonboe.org Bond, Roger Superintendent Buckeye JVS 545 University Drive NE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 339-2288; fax: (330) 339-5159 rbond@buckeyecareercenter.org Bookman, Rusty Superintendent Meigs Local Schools 41765 Pomeroy Pike Pomeroy, OH 45769 (740) 992-2153; fax: (740) 992-7814 rusty.bookman@meigslocal.org Bornino-Elwell, Terrilynn Director Lakewood City Academy 1470 Warren Road Lakewood, OH 44147 (216) 227-5925; fax: (216) 227-5975 terrilynn.elwell@lakewood.k12.oh.us Boroff, Randy Superintendent Revere Local Schools 3496 Everett Road, PO Box 340 Bath, OH 44210 (330) 523-3101; fax: (330) 659-3127 rboroff@revereschools.org Boeke, Brenda Superintendent
Borton, Tony Superintendent Elmwood Local Schools
Bringman, Linda Superintendent Woodmore Local Schools 349 Rice Street, PO Box 701 Elmore, OH 43416 (419) 862-1060; fax: (419) 862-1951 lbringman@woodmore.k12.oh.us Brinkman, Kevin Superintendent Ottawa-Glandorf Local Schools 630 Glendale Avenue Ottawa, OH 45875 (419) 523-5261; fax: (419) 523-5978 brinkman@ottawaglandorf.org Britton, Robert Superintendent Ridgedale Local Schools 3103 Hillman-Ford Road Morral, OH 43337 (740) 382-6065; fax: (740) 383-6538 rbritton@ridgedaleschools.org Brockway, Jerome Superintendent Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center 1565 State Route 167 Jefferson, OH 44047 (440) 576-6015; fax: (440) 576-5258 jerome.brockway@atech.edu 307 West High Street McArthur, OH 45698 (740) 596-5218; fax: (740) 596-3142 rick.brooks@vinton.k12.oh.us Broughton, Jan Superintendent Fairfield Union Local Schools 6417 Cincinnati Zanesville Rd. NE Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 536-7384; fax: (740) 536-9132 janbroughton@fairfield-union.k12.oh.us Brown, Jeffrey Superintendent Granville Exempted Village Schools 130 N. Granger St. Granville, OH 43023 (740) 587-8110; fax: (888) 683-7730 jrbrown@granvilleschools.org Brown, Keith Superintendent Washington Court House City Schools 306 Highland Avenue Washington Court House, OH 43160 (740) 335-6620; fax: (740) 335-1245 keith.brown@wchcs.org Brown, Larry Superintendent Wauseon EVS 126 S. Fulton St Wauseon, OH 43567 (419) 335-6616; fax: (419) 335-3978 lbrown@wauseonindians.org Brooks, Rick Superintendent Vinton County Local Schools
Browning, Valerie Superintendent Kings Local Schools 1797 King Avenue, PO Box 910 Kings Mills, OH 45034 (513) 398-8050; fax: (513) 229-7590 vbrowning@kingslocal.net
7650 Jerry City Road Bloomdale, OH 44817 (419) 655-2583; fax: (419) 655-3995 bortt@elmwoodschools.org Bosch, Christy Assistant Superintendent Logan Hocking Local Schools 2019 East Front Street Logan, OH 43138 (740) 385-8517; fax: (740) 385-3683 cbosch@lhsd.k12.oh.us Perry Local Schools 4201 13th Street SW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 477-8121; fax: (330) 478-6184 bowe@perrylocal.org Bowen, Matthew Superintendent Campbell City Schools 280 Sixth St Campbell, OH 44405 (330) 799-8777; fax: (330) 799-0875 mbowen@campbell.k12.oh.us Bowers, Trent Assistant Superintendent Worthington City Schools 200 E. Wilson Bridge Rd Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 883-3000; fax: (614) 883-3010 tbowers@worthington.k12.oh.us Boyer, Kenneth Superintendent North Central Local Schools 400 Baubice Street Pioneer, OH 43554 (419) 737-2392; fax: (419) 737-3361 kboyer@northcentralschool.org Branch, David Superintendent Muskingum Valley ESC 1605 Airport Road New Lexington, OH 43764 (740) 342-3502; fax: (740) 342-1961 david.branch@mvesc.org Brand, David Superintendent South Central Local Schools 3305 Greenwich Angling Road Greenwich, OH 44837 (419) 752-3815; fax: (419) 752-0812 dbrand@south-central.org Bratten, Thomas Superintendent Salem City Schools 1226 East State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 332-0316; fax: (330) 332-8936 brattent@salem.k12.oh.us Bright, Kevin Assistant Superintendent Lakewood City Schools 1470 Warren Rd. Lakewood, OH 44107 (216) 529-4092; fax: (216) 228-8327 kevin.bright@lakewood.k12.oh.us Bowe, Martin Superintendent
Brunn, Vicki Superintendent Central Local Schools
06289 US Highway 127 Sherwood, OH 43556 (419) 658-8971; fax: (419) 658-4010 vicki.brunn@centrallocal.org Buchenic, Richard Superintendent Hubbard Exempted Village Schools 150 Hall Avenue Hubbard, OH 44425 (330) 534-1921; fax: (330) 534-0522 buchenicr@hubbard.k12.oh.us Burkitt, Todd Superintendent Scioto Valley Local Schools 1414 Piketon Road, PO Box 600 Piketon, OH 45661 (740) 289-4456; fax: (740) 289-3065 tburkitt@piketon.k12.oh.us Burns, Fred Superintendent Toronto City Schools 1307 Dennis Way Toronto, OH 43964 (740) 532-2456; fax: (740) 537-1102 Superintendent Georgetown EVS 1043 Mt. Orab Pike Georgetown, OH 45121 (937) 378-3730; fax: (937) 378-2219 chris.burrows@gtown.k12.oh.us Busdeker, Larry Superintendent Hancock County Educational Service Center 7746 CR 140 Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 422-7525; fax: (419) 422-8766 busdekerl@hancockesc.org Bussey, William Superintendent Mid-East Career & Technology Center 400 Richards Road Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 454-0105; fax: (740) 454-0731 bbussey@mid-east.k12.oh.us C fred.burns@omeresa.net Burrows, Christopher
Cagwin, Philip Superintendent Monroe Local Schools 500 Yankee Road Monroe, OH 45050
Brown, Shawn Superintendent
St. Marys City Schools 100 W. Spring Street St. Marys, OH 45885 (419) 394-4312; fax: (419) 394-5638 shawn.brown@smriders.net
(513) 539-2536; fax: (513) 539-2648 pcagwin@monroelocalschools.com
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