(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY Gearhart, Kerri Superintendent Northwest Ohio ESC PO Box 250 Archbold, OH 43502 (567) 444-4800; fax: (567) 444-4802 kgearhart@nwoesc.org Freeman, Mary Beth Superintendent Delaware Area Career Center 4565 Columbus Pike Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 201-3204; fax: (740) 549-1397 freemanm@delawareareacc.org
Estepp, Steve Superintendent Mariemont City Schools 2 Warrior Way Cincinnati, OH 45227 (513) 273-7500; fax: (513) 527-3436 sestepp@mariemontschools.org Estes, Mike Superintendent Crestview Local Schools 531 East Tully Street Convoy, OH 45832 (419) 749-9100; fax: (419) 749-4235 estes.mike@crestviewknights.com Estrop, David Superintendent Springfield City Schools 1500 West Jefferson Street Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 505-2806; fax: (937) 328-6855 estrop@spr.k12.oh.us Ewers, Ed Superintendent Edon-Northwest Local Schools 802 West Indiana Street Edon, OH 43518 (419) 272-3213; fax: (419) 272-2240 eewers@edon-nw.org F Faircloth, Glenn Superintendent Lorain County JVS 15181 St. Rt. 58 Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 774-1051; fax: (440) 774-2144 gfaircloth@lcjvs.net Faris, Kay Assistant Superintendent North College Hill City Schools 1731 Goodman Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239 (513) 931-8181; fax: (513) 728-4774 faris.k@nchcityschools.org 777 Garfield Avenue Milford, OH 45150 (513) 831-1314; fax: (513) 831-3208 farrell_r@milfordschools.org Faust, Bradford Assistant Superintendent Delaware City Schools 248 North Washington Street Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 833-1100; fax: (740) 833-1149 faustbr@delawarecityschools.net Farrell, Robert Superintendent Milford EVS
Fischer, David Superintendent Sandy Valley Local Schools
56 North Portage Street Doylestown, OH 44230 (330) 866-3339; fax: (330) 866-5238 d.fischer@svlocal.org Fisher, Jack Principal Finneytown Local Schools 8916 Fontainebleau Ter Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 931-0712; fax: (513) 728-7230 jafisher@finneytown.org Fitch, Dirk Superintendent Martins Ferry City Schools 5001 Ayers Limestone Road Martins Ferry, OH 43935 (740) 633-1732; fax: (740) 633-5666 dirk.fitch@omeresa.net Fleming, Harry Superintendent Marietta City Schools 111 Academy Drive Marietta, OH 45750 (740) 374-6500; fax: (740) 374-6506 ma_hfleming@seovec.org Fogo, Stephen Superintendent Napoleon Area City Schools 701 Briarheath Drive, Suite 108 Napoleon, OH 43545 (419) 599-7015; fax: (419) 599-7035 steve.fogo@napoleonareaschools.org Folger, Will Superintendent Sheffield/Sheffield Lake City Schools 1824 Harris Road Sheffield Lake, OH 44054 (440) 949-4201; fax: (440) 949-4204 wfolger@sheffield.k12.oh.us Foreman, Steven Director Zanesville City Schools 160 North Fourth Street Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 588-5539; fax: (740) 455-4325 foreman@zanesville.k12.oh.us Forrest, David Treasurer Revere Local Schools 3496 Everett Road, PO Box 340 Bath, OH 44210 (330) 523-3106; fax: (330) 659-3523 dforrest@revereschools.org Forsthoefel, Frank Assistant Superintendent Sycamore Community City Schools 4881 Cooper Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 686-1700; fax: (513) 792-6159 forsthoefelf@sycamoreschools.org
Frisch, Sandra Superintendent ESC of Lake Erie West 2275 Collingwood Blvd. Toledo, OH 43620 (419) 245-4186; fax: (419) 245-4186 sfrisch@esclakeeriewest.org Fritz, Jim Superintendent Anthony Wayne Local Schools - Lucas 9565 Bucher Road, PO Box 2487 Whitehouse, OH 43571 (419) 877-5377; fax: (419) 877-9352 jfritz@anthonywayneschools.org 420 Washington Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 945-5600; fax: (330) 920-1734 lindaf@cybersummit.org G Galemmo, Matthew Superintendent Geauga County Educational Service Center 470 Center Street, Building 2 Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 279-1700; fax: (440) 286-7106 matt.galemmo@geaugaesc.org Garrett, William Superintendent Fairfield Local Schools 11611 State Route 771 Leesburg, OH 45135 (937) 780-2221; fax: (937) 780-6900 bill.garrett@fairfield.k12.oh.us Gast, Bruce Superintendent Elgin Local Schools 4616 Larue Prospect Road W Marion, OH 43302 (740) 382-1101; fax: (740) 382-1672 gast_b@elginschools.org Gaul, David Superintendent Amanda Clearcreek Local Schools 328 E. Main St. Amanda, OH 43102 (740) 969-7261; fax: (740) 969-7621 david_gaul@amanda.k12.oh.us Fuline, Linda Superintendent Summit County Educational Service Center
Gellert, Gary Superintendent North College Hill City Schools 1731 Goodman Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239 (513) 931-8181; fax: (513) 728-4774 gellert.g@nchcityschools.org
Geordan, Alex Superintendent Canfield Local Schools
100 Wadsworth St Canfield, OH 44406 (330) 533-3303; fax: (330) 533-6827 ageordan@canfieldschools.net Gerber, Brian Superintendent Western Buckeye ESC 202 North Cherry Street, Box 176 Paulding, OH 45879 (419) 399-4711; fax: (419) 399-3346 bgerber@wb.noacsc.org Gheen, Scott Superintendent Eastern Local Schools - Meigs County 50008 SR 681 Reedsville, OH 45772 (740) 667-6079; fax: (740) 667-3978 el_sgheen@seovec.org Giancola, Joseph Superintendent Kent City Schools 321 North Depeyster Street Kent, OH 44240 (330) 676-7610; fax: (330) 676-7686 ke_jgiancola@kentschools.net Gibbs, Thomas Superintendent Athens City Schools 25 S. Plains Road The Plains, OH 45780 (740) 797-4544; fax: (740) 797-2486 tgibbs@athenscity.k12.oh.us New Miami Local Schools 600 Seven Mile Avenue Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 863-0833; fax: (513) 863-0497 dgibson@new-miami.k12.oh.us Gleichauf, Mark Deputy Superintendent Cuyahoga Falls City Schools 431 Stow Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 926-3800; fax: (330) 920-1074 cf_gleichaufm@cfalls.org Glismann, Norm Superintendent Graham Local Schools 7790 US Highway 36 West Saint Paris, OH 43072 (937) 663-4123; fax: (937) 663-4670 GlismannN@grahamlocalschools.org Gibson, David Superintendent
Filon, Michele Superintendent Eastern Local Schools - Brown
Gearhart, Eric HR & Leadership Middletown City Schools One Donham Plaza, 4th Floor Middletown, OH 45044
Franks, Dennis Superintendent
11479 US Route 62 Sardinia, OH 45171 (937) 695-9030; fax: (937) 695-9046 michele.filon@eb.k12.oh.us
Pickaway-Ross County JVS 895 Crouse Chapel Road Chillicothe, OH 45601 (740) 642-1200; fax: (740) 642-1399 dennis.franks@pickawayross.com
(513) 217-2651; fax: (513) 420-4590 egearhart@middletowncityschools.com
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