(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT
Ada EVS Darmer, Suzanne Superintendent 725 West North Avenue Ada, OH 45810 (419) 634-6421; fax: (419) 634-0311 darmers@ada.k12.oh.us Adams County/ Ohio Valley Schools Wallace, Rodney Superintendent 141 Lloyd Rd West Union, OH 45693 (937) 544-5586; fax: (937) 544-3720 rodney.wallace@ovsd.us Akron City Schools James, David Superintendent 70 North Broadway Akron, OH 44308 (330) 761-2920; fax: (330) 761-3225 djames@akron.k12.oh.us Alexander Local Schools Cullum, Jeff Superintendent 6091 Ayers Road Albany, OH 45710 (740) 698-8831; fax: (740) 698-2038 jcullum@alexanderschools.org Allen County Educational Service Center Rockhold, Brian Superintendent 1920 Slabtown Rd Lima, OH 45801 (419) 222-1836; fax: (419) 224-0718 supt@allencountyesc.org Allen East Local Schools Richards, Michael Superintendent 9105 Harding Hwy Harrod, OH 45850 (419) 648-3333; fax: (419) 648-5282 richardsm@ae.noacsc.org Alliance City Schools Talbert, Jeffery Superintendent 200 Glamorgan Street Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 821-2100; fax: (330) 829-2282 talbertje@alliancecityschools.org
Amherst EVS Sayers, Steve Superintendent 185 Forest St Amherst, OH 44001 (440) 988-4406; fax: (440) 988-4413 steve_sayers@amherstk12.org Anna Local Schools Bixler, Andrew Superintendent One McRill Way, PO Box 169 Anna, OH 45302 (937) 394-4251; fax: (937) 394-7658 abixler@anna.k12.oh.us Anthony Wayne Local Schools - Lucas Fritz, Jim Superintendent 9565 Bucher Road, PO Box 2487 Whitehouse, OH 43571 (419) 877-5377; fax: (419) 877-9352 jfritz@anthonywayneschools.org Antwerp Local Schools Ross, Patricia Superintendent 303 S. Harrmann Rd. Antwerp, OH 45813 (419) 399-4656; fax: (419) 399-2404 ross_p@aw.noacsc.org 3325 Shawnee Rd Lima, OH 45806 (419) 998-2910; fax: (419) 999-5127 judy.wells@apollocc.org Arcadia Local Schools Walles, Laurie Superintendent 19033 SR 12 Arcadia, OH 44804 (419) 894-6431; fax: (419) 894-6970 ad_supt@noacsc.org Arcanum-Butler Local Schools Stephens, John Superintendent 2011 Trojan Avenue, 2011 Trojan Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 692-5174; fax: (937) 692-5959 ab_supt@mdeca.org Archbold Area Local Schools Rex, Aaron Superintendent 600 Lafayette Street Archbold, OH 43502 (419) 446-2728; fax: (419) 445-8536 arex@archboldschools.org Apollo Career Center Wells, Judy Superintendent
Arlington Local Schools Haught, Kevin Superintendent 336 S. Main St., PO Box 260 Arlington, OH 45814 (419) 365-5121; fax: (419) 365-1282 haughtk@ag.noacsc.org Ashland City Schools Marrah, Doug Superintendent 416 Arthur Street, PO Box 156 Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 289-1117; fax: (419) 289-9534 domarrah@ashlandcityschools.org Ashland County West Holmes JVS McDaniel, Michael Superintendent 1783 SR 60 Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 289-3313; fax: (419) 289-3729 awhj_mcdanie@tccsa.net Ashtabula County Educational Service Center Rubesich, John Superintendent 4200 State Road Ashtabula, OH 44004 (440) 576-9023; fax: (440) 576-3065 john.rubesich@neomin.org Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center Brockway, Jerome Superintendent 1565 State Route 167 Jefferson, OH 44047 (440) 576-6015; fax: (440) 576-5258 jerome.brockway@atech.edu Athens City Schools Gibbs, Thomas Superintendent 25 S. Plains Road The Plains, OH 45780 (740) 797-4544; fax: (740) 797-2486 tgibbs@athenscity.k12.oh.us Martin, Carl Superintendent 25 S. Plains Road The Plains, OH 45780 (740) 797-4544; fax: (740) 797-2486 cmartin@athenscity.k12.oh.us Athens-Meigs County ESC Edwards, Rick Superintendent 21 Birge Drive Chauncey, OH 45719 (740) 593-8001; fax: (740) 593-5968 91_redwards@seovec.org
Auburn JVS Lynch, Margaret Superintendent 8140 Auburn Rd. Painesville, OH 44077 (440) 358-8011; fax: (440) 357-0310 mlynch@auburncc.org Auglaize Educational Service Center Harvey, Ann Superintendent 1045 Dearbaugh Avenue, Suite 2 Wapakoneta, OH 45895 (419) 738-3422; fax: (419) 738-1267 aharvey@auglaizeesc.org Aurora City Schools Bennett, Russell Superintendent 102 East Garfield Road Aurora, OH 44202 (330) 954-2228; fax: (330) 562-4892 rbennett@aurora-schools.org Austintown Local Schools Colaluca, Vincent Superintendent 700 South Racoon Youngstown, OH 44515 (330) 797-3900; fax: (330) 792-8625 aust_vsc@access-k12.org Mullane, David Assistant Superintendent 700 South Racoon Youngstown, OH 44515 (330) 540-2645; fax: (330) 792-8625 dmullane@access-k12.org Avon Lake City Schools Scott, Robert Superintendent Avon Local Schools Laub, Michael Superintendent 35575 Detroit Road Avon, OH 44011 (440) 937-4680; fax: (440) 937-4688 laubm@avonlocalschools.org Ayersville Local Schools Hug, Tod Superintendent 28046 Watson Road Defiance, OH 43512 (419) 395-1111; fax: (419) 395-9990 thug@ayersvilleschools.org 175 Avon Belden Rd Avon Lake, OH 44012 (440) 933-6210; fax: (440) 933-6711 robert.scott@avonlakecityschools.org
Amanda Clearcreek Local Schools Gaul, David
Superintendent 328 E. Main St. Amanda, OH 43102 (740) 969-7261; fax: (740) 969-7621 david_gaul@amanda.k12.oh.us
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