(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT Will, Scott
Cleveland Municipal Schools Gordon, Eric Chief Executive Officer 1111 Superior Avenue E., Suite 1800 Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 574-8209; fax: (216) 574-2140 eric.gordon@cmsdnet.net Cloverleaf Local Schools Kubilus, Jr., Daryl Superintendent 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 721-3502; fax: (330) 948-1034 dkubilus@cls.k12.oh.us Clyde-Green Springs EVS Stubblebine, David Superintendent 106 South Main Street Clyde, OH 43410 (419) 465-2610; fax: (419) 465-4263 dstubblebine@clyde.k12.oh.us Coldwater EVS Seas, Richard Superintendent 310 North Second Street Coldwater, OH 45828 (419) 678-2611; fax: (419) 678-3100 seasr@cw.noacsc.org College Corner Local Schools Sheets, Lynn Superintendent 230 Ramsey St. College Corner, OH 45003 (765) 580-2502; fax: (765) 732-3574 lynn.sheetsw@thecclsd.net Martin, Todd Superintendent 2303 State Route 602 North Robinson, OH 44856 (419) 562-4666; fax: (419) 562-3304 martin.toddw@cck12.org Columbia Local Schools Bansek, Graig Superintendent 25796 Royalton Road Columbia Station, OH 44028 (440) 236-5008; fax: (440) 236-8817 bansekg@columbia.k12.oh.us Columbiana County Career Center Adkins, C. Willard Superintendent 9364 S.R. 45 Lisbon, OH 44432 (330) 424-1105; fax: (330) 424-1105 willard.adkins@ccctc.k12.oh.us Colonel Crawford Local Schools
Columbiana EVS Mook, Donald Superintendent 700 Columbiana Waterford Columbiana, OH 44408
Coshocton City Schools Hire, David Superintendent 1207 Cambridge Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-1901; fax: (740) 623-5803 dave.hire@omeresa.net Robbins, Kathy Director of Curriculum 1207 Cambridge Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-1901; fax: (740) 623-5803 kathy.robbins@omeresa.net Skelton, David Principal
Superintendent 1575 St. Rt. 96 Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 895-1700; fax: (419) 895-1733 will.scott@crestviewschools.net Crestwood Local Schools Toth, David Superintendent 4565 West Prospect Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 357-8206; fax: (330) 274-3710 dtoth@crestwoodschools.org Cuyahoga Falls City Schools Gleichauf, Mark Deputy Superintendent 431 Stow Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 926-3800; fax: (330) 920-1074 cf_gleichaufm@cfalls.org Nichols, Todd Superintendent 431 Stow Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 926-3800; fax: (330) 920-1074 cf_nichols@cfalls.org Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Roebuck, Celena Superintendent 8001 Brecksville Rd Brecksville, OH 44141 (440) 838-8920; fax: (440) 746-8299 croebuck@cvccworks.com Dalton Local Schools Beatty, Scott Superintendent 177 North Mill Street, PO Box 514 Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-2267; fax: (330) 828-2800 dltn_beatty@tccsa.net Danbury Local Schools Parent, Dan Superintendent 9451 East Harbor Rd Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440 (419) 798-5185; fax: (419) 798-2260 parentd@danbury.k12.oh.us Danville Local Schools Harper, Dan Superintendent PO Box 30 Danville, OH 43014 (740) 599-6116; fax: (740) 599-5417 dan.harper@danvilleschools.org
(330) 482-5352; fax: (330) 482-5361 don.mook@columbianaschools.org
Columbus Grove Local Schools
Verhoff, Nick Superintendent 201 West Cross Street Columbus Grove, OH 45830 (419) 659-4301; fax: (419) 659-5134 cg_supt@cg.noacsc.org Columbus Public Schools Good, Dan Superintendent 270 E. State Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 356-5888; fax: (614) 365-5689 superintendent@columbus.k12.oh.us Conneaut Area City Schools Houston, Kent Superintendent 400 Mill Street, Suite B Conneaut, OH 44030 (440) 593-7202; fax: (440) 593-6253 khouston@cacsk12.org Conotton Valley Union Local Schools Pittis, Adam Superintendent 21 Mound Street Sherrodsville, OH 44675 (740) 269-2000; fax: (740) 269-7901 adam.pittis@cvul.org Continental Local Schools Mengerink, Joel Superintendent 5211 St. Rt. 634 Continental, OH 45831 (419) 596-3671; fax: (419) 596-3861 cn_mengerink@cn.noacsc.org Copley-Fairlawn City Schools Poe, Brian Superintendent 3797 Ridgewood Road Akron, OH 44321 (330) 664-4800; fax: (330) 664-4811 brian.poe@copley-fairlawn.org Cory-Rawson Local Schools Hlasko, Robert Superintendent 3930 County Road 26 Rawson, OH 45881 (419) 963-3415; fax: (419) 963-4400 hlaskor@cory-rawson.k12.oh.us
1207 Cambridge Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-9726 dave.skelton@omeresa.net
Coshocton County JVS Kapp-Salupo, Deborah Superintendent 23640 Airport Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-0211; fax: (740) 623-4651 deborah.kapp-salupo@coshocton careers.org
Coshocton Opportunity School
Moore, Roger Superintendent
1205 Cambridge Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-3600; fax: (740) 622-6860 roger.moore@omeresa.net Coventry Local Schools Chaboudy, Russell Superintendent 2910 S. Main St. Akron, OH 44319 (330) 644-1435; fax: (330) 644-1207 rchaboudy@coventryschools.org Covington EVS Larson, David Superintendent 25 Grant Street Covington, OH 45318 (937) 473-2249; fax: (937) 473-3730 larsond@covingtonk12.org
Crestline Exempted Village Schools Mullens, Noreen
Superintendent 401 Heiser Ct. Crestline, OH 44827
(419) 683-3647; fax: (419) 683-4984 mullens.noreen@crestline.k12.oh.us
Darke County Educational Service Center
Crestview Local Schools Estes, Mike Superintendent 531 East Tully Street Convoy, OH 45832 (419) 749-9100; fax: (419) 749-4235 estes.mike@crestviewknights.com
Gray, Michael Superintendent
5279 Education Drive Greenville, OH 45331 (937) 548-4915; fax: (937) 548-8920 dk_supt@mdeca.org
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