(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT Fairview Park City Schools
Elgin Local Schools Gast, Bruce Superintendent 4616 Larue Prospect Road W Marion, OH 43302 (740) 382-1101; fax: (740) 382-1672 gast_b@elginschools.org Elida Local Schools Diglia, Don Superintendent 4380 Sunnydale Avenue Lima, OH 45807 (419) 331-4155; fax: (419) 331-1656 don@elida.k12.oh.us Elmwood Local Schools Borton, Tony Superintendent 7650 Jerry City Road Bloomdale, OH 44817 (419) 655-2583; fax: (419) 655-3995 bortt@elmwoodschools.org Elyria City Schools Rigda, Paul Superintendent 42101 Griswold Rd Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 284-8201; fax: (440) 284-0678 rigdapaul@elyriaschools.org Schloss, Ann Director of Academic Services 42101 Griswold Rd Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 284-8280; fax: (440) 284-8117 schlossann@elyriaschools.org ESC of Central Ohio Goodney, Thomas Client Services 2080 Citygate Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 542-4153; fax: (614) 445-3767 tom.goodney@escco.org Reimer, William Client Services 2080 Citygate Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 542-4121; fax: (614) 445-3767 bill.reimer@escco.org Ross, Aron Client Services 2080 Citygate Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 542-4160; fax: (614) 445-3767 aron.ross@escco.org Tombaugh, George Assistant Superintendent 2080 Citygate Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 542-4167; fax: (614) 445-3767 george.tombaugh@escco.org Ward, Marie Director 2080 Citygate Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 753-4650; fax: (614) 445-3767 marie.ward@escco.org
ESC of Cuyahoga County Mengerink, Bob Superintendent 5811 Canal Road Cleveland, OH 44125 (216) 201-4202; fax: (216) 524-3683 bob.mengerink@esc-cc.org ESC of Lake Erie West Frisch, Sandra Superintendent 2275 Collingwood Blvd. Toledo, OH 43620 (419) 245-4186; fax: (419) 245-4186 sfrisch@esclakeeriewest.org
Fairfield County Educational Service Center Montgomery, Dan Superintendent 955 Liberty Street Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 653-3193; fax: (740) 653-4053 dmontgomery@fairfieldesc.org Fairfield Local Schools Garrett, William Superintendent 11611 State Route 771 Leesburg, OH 45135 (937) 780-2221; fax: (937) 780-6900 bill.garrett@fairfield.k12.oh.us Fairfield Union Local Schools Broughton, Jan Superintendent 6417 Cincinnati Zanesville Rd. NE Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 536-7384; fax: (740) 536-9132 janbroughton@fairfield-union.k12.oh.us Destadio, Mike Director 6417 Cincinnati Zanesville Rd. NE Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 536-7384; fax: (740) 536-9132 michaeldestadio@ fairfield-union.k12.oh.us Fairland Local Schools Hayes, Roni Superintendent 228 Private Drive 10010 Proctorville, OH 45669 (614) 886-8606; fax: (614) 886-7253 rhayes@fairland.k12.oh.us Fairlawn Local Schools Mascho, Steve Superintendent 1880 Johnston Road Sidney, OH 45365 (937) 492-1974; fax: (937) 492-8613 fn_supt@woco-k12.org Fairless Local Schools Bidlack, Broc Superintendent 11885 Navarre Road SW Navarre, OH 44662 (330) 767-3577; fax: (330) 767-3298 bidlack_b@falcon.stark.k12.oh.us Fairport Harbor EVS Paolo, Domenic Superintendent 329 Vine St Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 (440) 354-5400; fax: (440) 357-1478 domenic.paolo@ fairportharborschools.org
Deitsch, Brion Superintendent
21620 Mastick Road #A Cleveland, OH 44126 (440) 331-5560; fax: (440) 356-3546 bdeitsch@fairview.k12.oh.us Fayette Local Schools Belcher, Erik Superintendent 400 East Gamble Road Fayette, OH 43521 (419) 237-2573; fax: (419) 237-3125 ebelcher@fayettesch.org
ESC of Lorain County Ring, Gregory Superintendent
Felicity Franklin Local Schools
Moore, Glenn Superintendent
1885 Lake Avenue Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 324-5777; fax: (440) 324-7355 ring@esclc.org
415 Washington St. Felicity, OH 45120 (513) 876-2113; fax: (513) 876-2519 mooreg@felicityschools.org
Euclid City Schools Allen, Kimberly Assistant Superintendent
Field Local Schools Heflinger, Dave
651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 797-2922; fax: (216) 797-2928 kallen@euclid.k12.oh.us Bell, Keith Superintendent 651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 261-2900; fax: (216) 261-3120 kbell@euclid.k12.oh.us Evergreen Local Schools Wyse, James Superintendent 14544 Co. Rd. 6 Metamora, OH 43540 (419) 644-3521; fax: (419) 644-6070 jwyse@evgvikings.org Fairbanks Local Schools Humble, Robert Superintendent 11158 St. Rt. 38 Milford Center, OH 43045 (937) 349-3731; fax: (937) 349-8885 bhumble@fairbanks.k12.oh.us Fairborn City Schools Scarberry, Dave Superintendent 306 E. Whittier Ave Fairborn, OH 45324 (937) 878-3961; fax: (937) 879-8180 dscarberry@fairborn.k12.oh.us Fairfield City Schools Otten, Paul Superintendent 4661 Bach Lane Fairfield, OH 45014 (513) 829-6300; fax: (513) 858-7135 otten_p@fairfieldcityschools.com
Superintendent 401 Heiser Ct. Crestline, OH 44827
(330) 673-2659; fax: (330) 673-0270 david.heflinger@fieldlocalschools.org
Findlay City Schools Wittwer, Dean Superintendent 1219 West Main Cross St Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 425-8212; fax: (419) 425-8203 dwittwer@findlaycityschools.org Finneytown Local Schools Fisher, Jack Principal 8916 Fontainebleau Ter Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 931-0712; fax: (513) 728-7230 jafisher@finneytown.org 8916 Fontainebleau Ter Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 931-0712; fax: (513) 728-7230 dkennedy@finneytown.org Kessling, Stephanie Principal 7400 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 (513) 728-3737; fax: (513) 728-7243 skessling@finneytown.org Kennedy, David Assistant Principal
Olverson, Ty Superintendent
8916 Fontainebleau Ter Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 728-3700; fax: (513) 931-0986 tolverson@finneytown.org
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