(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT
Maple Heights City Schools Keenan, Charles Superintendent 5740 Lawn Avenue Maple Heights, OH 44137 (216) 587-6100; fax: (216) 518-2674 charlie.keenan@mapleschools.com
Mayfield City Schools Kelly, Keith Superintendent 1101 SOM Center Rd Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 (440) 995-6800; fax: (440) 995-7205 kkelly@mayfieldschools.org Magyar, Joelle Assistant Superintendent 1101 SOM Center Rd Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 (440) 995-7211 jmagyar@mayfieldschools.org Maysville Local Schools Bainter, Monte Superintendent 2805 Pinkerton Road, PO Box 1818 Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 453-0754; fax: (740) 455-4081 mbainter@laca.org McComb Local Schools Skilliter, Meri Superintendent 328 S Todd St. Mc Comb, OH 45858 (419) 293-3979; fax: (419) 293-2412 skilliterm@mb.noacsc.org Mechanicsburg EVS Kaffenbarger, Dan Superintendent 1512 South US Highway 68 Urbana, OH 43078 (937) 484-1557; fax: (937) 484-1571 kaffenbarger@mccesc.k12.oh.us Prohaska, Danielle Director of Teaching 60 High St Mechanicsburg, OH 43044 (937) 834-2453; fax: (937) 834-3954 prohaskad@mcburg.org Medina County Educational Service Center Koran, William Superintendent 124 W. Washington Street Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 (330) 723-6393; fax: (330) 723-0573 wkoran@medina-esc.org
Smith, Angela Assistant Superintendent 6741 North Ridge Road Madison, OH 44057
Minor, Anna Assistant Superintendent 10320 Moulin Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 823-7458; fax: (330) 823-7759 a_minor@marlingtonlocal.org Martins Ferry City Schools Fitch, Dirk Superintendent 5001 Ayers Limestone Road Martins Ferry, OH 43935 (740) 633-1732; fax: (740) 633-5666 dirk.fitch@omeresa.net Marysville City Schools Culp, Andrew Assistant Superintendent 1000 Edgewood Drive Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 644-8105; fax: (937) 644-1849 akculp@marysville.k12.oh.us Mankins, Diane Superintendent 1000 Edgewood Drive Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 644-8105; fax: (937) 644-1849 dmmankin@marysville.k12.oh.us Mason City Schools Kist Kline, Gail Superintendent 211 N. East St. Mason, OH 45040 (513) 398-0474; fax: (513) 398-4554 kistklineg@mason.k12.oh.us Massillon City Schools Goodright, Richard Superintendent 930 17th Street NE Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 830-1810; fax: (330) 830-0953 rgoodright@massillonschools.org Mathews Local Schools Lowery, Lewis Superintendent 4434 B. Warren-Sharon Road Vienna, OH 44473 (330) 394-2000; fax: (330) 394-1930 lew.lowery@neomin.org Maumee City Schools Aerni, Kenneth Assistant Superintendent 716 Askin Street Maumee, OH 43537 (419) 893-3200; fax: (419) 891-5387 kaerni@maumeek12.org Smith, Gregory Superintendent 716 Askin Street Maumee, OH 43537 (419) 893-3200; fax: (419) 891-5387 gsmith@maumeek12.org
(440) 428-9336; fax: (440) 428-9313 angela.smith@madisonschools.net
Madison Local Schools - Butler Philpot, Curtis Superintendent 1324 Middletown Eaton Road Middletown, OH 45042 (513) 420-4750; fax: (513) 420-4781 curtis.philpot@madisonmohawks.org Madison Local Schools - Lake Goudy, Roger Superintendent 6741 North Ridge Road Madison, OH 44057 (440) 428-2166; fax: (440) 428-9358 roger.goudy@madisonschools.net Mahoning County Career & Tech Center Craig, Roan Superintendent 7300 North Palmyra Road Canfield, OH 44406 (330) 729-4000; fax: (330) 729-4050 roan.craig@Mahoningctc.com Mahoning County Educational Service Center Herrholtz, James Deputy Superintendent 100 DeBartolo Place Youngstown, OH 44512 (330) 965-7828; fax: (330) 965-7929 J.Herrhotz@mahoningesc.org Iarussi, Ron Superintendent 100 DeBartolo Place Youngstown, OH 44512 (330) 965-7828; fax: (330) 965-7902 r.iarussi@mahoningesc.org Management Council of OECN Hawkins, Bruce CEO 8050 North High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 840-9810; fax: (614) 846-4081 hawkins@mcoecn.org Manchester Local Schools Reynolds, Sam Superintendent 6075 Manchester Rd Akron, OH 44319 (330) 882-6926; fax: (330) 882-0013 sam.reynolds@manchester-panthers.org Young, Christopher Special Programs Coordinator 130 Wayne Frye Dr Manchester, OH 45144 (937) 549-4777; fax: (937) 549-4744 chris.young@mlsd.us
Pettiegrew, Henry Director of Curriculum 5740 Lawn Avenue Maple Heights, OH 44137
(216) 587-6100; fax: (216) 518-2674 henry.pettiegrew@mapleschools.com Willingham, Bruce Assistant Superintendent 14605 Granger Road Maple Heights, OH 44137 (216) 587-6100; fax: (216) 518-2674 bruce.willingham@mapleschools.com Maplewood Local Schools Nicholas, Perry Superintendent 2414 Greenville Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 637-7506; fax: (330) 637-6616 perry.nicholas@neomin.org Margaretta Local Schools Kurt, Edward Superintendent 305 S. Washington Street Castalia, OH 44824 (419) 684-5322; fax: (419) 684-9003 ekurt@margaretta.k12.oh.us Mariemont City Schools Estepp, Steve Superintendent 2 Warrior Way Cincinnati, OH 45227 (513) 273-7500; fax: (513) 527-3436 sestepp@mariemontschools.org Marietta City Schools Fleming, Harry Superintendent 111 Academy Drive Marietta, OH 45750 (740) 374-6500; fax: (740) 374-6506 ma_hfleming@seovec.org 7956 State Route 119 Maria Stein, OH 45860 (419) 925-4294; fax: (419) 925-0212 pohlmanm@marionlocal.org Marlington Local Schools Knoll, Joe Superintendent 10320 Moulin Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 823-7458; fax: (330) 823-7759 j_knoll@marlingtonlocal.org Marion Local Schools Pohlman, Mike Superintendent
Meigs Local Schools Bookman, Rusty Superintendent
41765 Pomeroy Pike Pomeroy, OH 45769 (740) 992-2153; fax: (740) 992-7814 rusty.bookman@meigslocal.org
Mentor Exempted Village Schools Miller, Matthew
Superintendent 6451 Center St. Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 974-5221; fax: (440) 974-4622 mmiller@mentorschools.org
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