(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT
Shelby City Schools Tarvin, Tim Superintendent
Southwest Licking Local Schools Jennell, Robert
Stewart, David Deputy Superintendent 3805 Marlane Drive Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 801-3095; fax: (614) 801-3094 terri.gerasco@swcs.us Wise, William Superintendent 3805 Marlane Drive Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 801-3063; fax: (614) 871-2781 bill.wise@swcs.us 8245 Tallmadge Rd. Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 654-5841; fax: (330) 654-9110 tinchak@sepirates.org Southern Hills JVS Kratzer, Kevin Superintendent 9193 Hamer Road Georgetown, OH 45121 (937) 378-6131; fax: (937) 378-4577 kevin.kratzer@shcc.k12.oh.us Southeast Local Schools (Portage) Inchak, Thomas Superintendent Southern Local Schools - Meigs Deem, Tony Superintendent 106 Broadway Street, Suite 1 Racine, OH 45771 (740) 949-2611; fax: (740) 949-3309 tony.deem@southernlocal.net Holbert, Greg Superintendent 10397 State Route 155 SE Corning, OH 43730 (740) 394-2402; fax: (740) 394-2083 sp_gholbert@seovec.org Southern Ohio ESC Long, Tony Superintendent 3321 Airborne Rd. Wilmington, OH 45177 (937) 382-6921; fax: (937) 383-3171 so_tlong@mveca.org Southern Local Schools - Perry Southern Local Schools - Columbiana Wilson, John Superintendent 38095 SR 39 Salineville, OH 43945 (330) 679-2305 john.wilson@omeresa.net
Stauffer, William Superintendent 2410 Massillon Road Akron, OH 44312
25 High School Ave Shelby, OH 44875 (419) 342-3520; fax: (419) 347-3586 tarvin.tim@shelbyk12.org Shelby County ESC Neer, Heather Superintendent 129 East Court Street Sidney, OH 45365 (937) 498-1354; fax: (937) 498-4850 heather_neer@scesc.k12.oh.us
Superintendent 937-A South St Pataskala, OH 43062 (740) 927-3941; fax: (740) 927-7230 rjennell@laca.org Southwest Local Schools Hamstra, John Assistant Superintendent
(330) 798-1111; fax: (330) 798-1161 sp_stauffer@springfieldspartans.org
St Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools
Webb, Mimi Superintendent
105 W. Washington Ave St. Bernard, OH 45217 (513) 482-7119; fax: (513) 641-0066 mwebb@sbepschools.org St. Clairsville- Richland City Schools Skaggs, Walter Superintendent 108 Woodrow Ave Saint Clairsville, OH 43950 (740) 695-1624; fax: (740) 695-1627 walt.skaggs@omeresa.net Thompson, Diane Assistant Superintendent 108 Woodrow Ave Saint Clairsville, OH 43950 (740) 699-2219; fax: (740) 695-1627 diane.thompson@omeresa.net St. Henry Consolidated Local Schools Moorman, Rod Superintendent 395 East Columbus Street Saint Henry, OH 45883 (419) 678-4834; fax: (419) 678-1724 moormar@sh.noacsc.org St. Marys City Schools Brown, Shawn Superintendent 100 W. Spring Street St. Marys, OH 45885 (419) 394-4312; fax: (419) 394-5638 shawn.brown@smriders.net Stark County Educational Service Center Morgan, Larry Superintendent 2100 38th Street NW Canton, OH 44709 (330) 492-8136; fax: (216) 492-6381 larry.morgan@email.sparcc.org StarkCounty Area JVS Smythe, Cynthia Director 2800 Richville Dr. SE Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 832-1591; fax: (330) 832-9850 cynthia.smythe@rgdrage.org
230 South Elm Street Harrison, OH 45030
(513) 367-4139; fax: (513) 367-2287 john.hamstra@southwestschools.org
Sidney City Schools Scheu, John Superintendent
Spencerville Local Schools Hatfield, Joel Superintendent 600 School Street Spencerville, OH 45887 (419) 647-4111; fax: (419) 647-6498 hatfieldj@svbearcats.org Springboro Community City Schools Petrey, Todd Superintendent 1685 S. Main St. Springboro, OH 45066 (513) 748-3960; fax: (513) 748-3956 tpetrey@springboro.org Springfield City Schools Estrop, David Superintendent 1500 West Jefferson Street Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 505-2806; fax: (937) 328-6855 estrop@spr.k12.oh.us Hall, Karen Director of Special Ed 1500 West Jefferson Street Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 505-2855; fax: (937) 244-6474 hallkm@spr.k12.oh.us Springfield Clark Tech Center Smith, Rick Superintendent 1901 Selma Road Springfield, OH 45505 (937) 325-7368; fax: (937) 325-7452 ricksmith@springfieldclarkctc.org Springfield Local Schools Mettee, Debra Superintendent 11335 Youngstown Pittsburgh Road New Middletown, OH 44442 (330) 542-2929; fax: (330) 542-9453 dmettee@springfieldlocal.us
750 S. Fourth Ave Sidney, OH 45365 (937) 497-2032; fax: (937) 497-2211 john.scheu@sidneycityschools.org
Solon City Schools Bolden, Fred
Director of Personnel 33800 Inwood Road Solon, OH 44139 (440) 349-6228; fax: (440) 248-7665 fredbolden@solonboe.org Regano, Joseph Superintendent 33800 Inwood Road Solon, OH 44139 (440) 349-6204; fax: (440) 248-7665 jregano@solonboe.org South Central Local Schools Brand, David Superintendent 3305 Greenwich Angling Road Greenwich, OH 44837 (419) 752-3815; fax: (419) 752-0812 dbrand@south-central.org South Euclid Lyndhurst City Schools Motley, Veronica Director of Instruction 5044 Mayfield Road Cleveland, OH 44124 (216) 691-2000; fax: (216) 691-2033 motley@sel.k12.oh.us Reid, Linda Superintendent 5044 Mayfield Road Cleveland, OH 44124 (216) 691-2006; fax: (216) 691-2298 reid@sel.k12.oh.us South-Western City Schools Metzger, Carl Assistant Superintendent 3805 Marlane Drive Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 801-3059; fax: (614) 801-3185 carl.metzger@swcs.us
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