(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed by SCHOOL DISTRICT
Trumbull Career & Technical Center Gray, Jason Superintendent 528 Educational Parkway Warren, OH 44483 (330) 847-0503; fax: (330) 847-6817 jason.gray@neomin.org Trumbull County Educational Service Center Hanshaw, Michael Superintendent 6000 Youngstown Warren Road Niles, OH 44446 (330) 505-2800; fax: (330) 505-2813 michael.hanshaw@neomin.org Marino, Jr., Robert Assistant Superintendent 6000 Youngstown Warren Road Niles, OH 44446 (330) 505-2800; fax: (330) 505-2813 robert.marino@neomin.org Murphy, Mark Superintendent 2637 Tuscarawas Valley Road NE Mineral City, OH 44656 (330) 859-8807; fax: (330) 859-2706 mark.murphy@tvtrojans.org Tuslaw Local Schools Osler, Al Superintendent 1835 Manchester Ave NW Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 837-7813; fax: (330) 837-7804 aosler@tuslaw.sparcc.org Twinsburg City Schools Powers, Kathryn Superintendent 11136 Ravenna Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 486-2000; fax: (330) 425-7216 kpowers@twinsburg.k12.oh.us Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools
Union Local Schools Thoburn, Doug Superintendent 66779 Belmont-Morristown Road Belmont, OH 43718 (740) 782-1208; fax: (740) 782-1212 doug.thoburn@omeresa.net United Local Schools Viscounte, Steven Superintendent 8143 SR 9 Hanoverton, OH 44423 (330) 223-1521; fax: (330) 223-2363 steve.viscounte@united.k12.oh.us Upper Arlington City Schools Greenwald, R. Emilie Chief Academic Officer 1950 North Mallway Drive Columbus, OH 43221 (614) 487-5007; fax: (614) 487-5012 egreenwald@uaschools.org Imhoff, Paul Superintendent 1950 North Mallway Drive Columbus, OH 43221 (614) 487-5000; fax: (614) 487-5012 pimhoff@uaschools.org
Upper Valley Career Center Luce, Nancy Superintendent 8811 Career Dr. Piqua, OH 45356 (937) 381-1465; fax: (937) 778-0103 lucen@uppervalleycc.org
Vanguard-Sentinel JVS Edinger, Greg Superintendent 1306 Cedar Street Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-2626; fax: (419) 334-4308 eding-g@vscc.k12.oh.us
Urbana City Schools Thiel, Charles Superintendent 711 Wood Street Urbana, OH 43078
Vanlue Local Schools Russell, Rodney Superintendent
301 South East St Vanlue, OH 45890 (419) 387-7724; fax: (419) 387-7722 russelr@vanlueschool.org Vantage Career Center Kaufman, Staci Superintendent
(937) 653-1402; fax: (937) 652-3845 Charles.Thiel@urbanacityschools.org
Valley Local Schools McCrory, Carl Superintendent 1821 St. Rt. 728 Lucasville, OH 45648 (740) 259-3115; fax: (740) 259-2314 carl.mccrory@valleyls.org Valley View Local Schools Kirby, William Superintendent 59 Peffley St Germantown, OH 45327 (937) 855-6581; fax: (937) 855-0266 vvbkirby@mdeca.org Van Buren Local Schools Myers, Tim Superintendent 217 South Main St. Van Buren, OH 45889 (419) 299-3578; fax: (419) 299-3668 tmyers@vbschools.net Van Wert City Schools Amstutz, Ken Superintendent 205 West Crawford Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 238-0648; fax: (419) 238-3974 k_amstutz@vwcs.net Vandalia-Butler City Schools Neavin, Brad Superintendent 306 South Dixie Drive Vandalia, OH 45377 (937) 415-6415; fax: (937) 415-6429 bradley.neavin@vbcsd.com
818 North Franklin St. Van Wert, OH 45891
(419) 238-5411; fax: (419) 238-4058 kaufman.s@vantagecareercenter.com
Versailles EVS Moran, Aaron Superintendent 4 Virginia St, PO Box 313 Versailles, OH 45380 (937) 526-4773; fax: (937) 526-5745 aaron_moran@darke.k12.oh.us Vinton County Local Schools Brooks, Rick Superintendent 307 West High Street McArthur, OH 45698 (740) 596-5218; fax: (740) 596-3142 rick.brooks@vinton.k12.oh.us Wadsworth City Schools Hill, Andrew Superintendent 360 College Street Wadsworth, OH 44281 (330) 336-3571; fax: (330) 335-1313 wadc_ahill@wadsworthschools.org Wapakoneta Cty Schools Horner, Keith Superintendent 1102 Gardenia Dr. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 (419) 739-2900; fax: (419) 739-2918 hornke@wapak.org Warren City Schools Notar, Michael Superintendent 105 High St NE Warren, OH 44481 (330) 841-2321; fax: (330) 841-2434 michael.notar@neomin.org
Jenney, Kathleen Executive Director 1950 North Mallway Drive Columbus, OH 43221 (614) 487-5000 kjenney@uaschools.org
Upper Sandusky EVS Eaglowski, Mike Superintendent 800 North Sandusky Avenue, Suite A Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 (419) 294-2306; fax: (419) 294-6891 mike_e@usevs.org
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