(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
Ameresco Jeff Metcalf 200 East Campusview Blvd., Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43235 (888) 263-7372; fax: (866) 227-0530 jmetcalf@ameresco.com www.ameresco.com Bradley Payne LLC John Payne 171 Montclair Ave Circleville, OH 43113 (740) 497-4555 jp@bpaynegroup.com The Brewer Garrett Company David Smith 6800 Eastland Road Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 (440) 243-3535; fax: (440) 243-9993 dsmith@brewer-garrett.com www.brewer.garrett.com Bruner Corporation Megan Smith 3637 Lacon Rd Hilliard, OH 43026 (614) 334-9000; fax: (614) 334-9001 msmith@brunercorp.com www.brunercorp.com Burges & Burges Strategists Vanessa Tey Iosue vtey@burgesandburges.com www.burgesandburges.com Cambium Learning Dan Parvu 17855 Dallas Parkway, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75287 (614) 329-3500; fax: (614) 300-2880 dan.pavu@voyagerlearning.com (330) 659-3120; Fax: (330) 659-5083 bkowalczyk@ccgenergysolutions.com www.ccgenergysolutions.com Cenergistic, Inc. Michael Bitar 5950 Sherry Lane Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75225 (940) 867-1889; fax: (214) 273-2801 mbitar@cenergistic.com www.cenergistic.com Champions Karen Winkle 650 NE Holladay St. #1400 Portland, OR 97732 (740) 417-5744 kwinkle@klcorp.com www.kueducation.com Chapman and Chapman, Inc. Cheryl Broadway 2307 E. Aurora Road, Suite B-13 Twinsburg, OH 44087 (440) 934-4158; fax: (330) 405-3399 cheryl@chapmanandchapman.com www.mycandc.com 26100 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44132 (216) 261-3737 www.cambiumlearning.com CCG Energy Solutions, Inc. Beth Kowalczyk 3868 Congress Parkway Richfield, OH 44286
Education First Credit Union Angie Freeman 399 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 340-1518; Fax: (614) 221-3841 afreeman@educu.org www.educu.org Engineered Systems Mike Gottron 9753 Fairway Drive Powell, OH 43065 (614) 430-0303; Fax: (614) 430-0404 engineeredsys@aol.com Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. Steve Wilczynski 540 E. Market St. Celina, OH 45822 (419) 586-7771; fax: (419) 586-2141 swilczynski@fhai.com www.fhai.com FirstEnergy Solutions Eyad Aheith 341 White Pond Dr., Building B2 Akron, OH 44320 (330) 315-7392; Fax: (330) 245-5654 eheith@fes.com www.fes.com GPD Jim Thompson 520 S. Main St. Akron, OH 44311 (330) 572-2100; fax: (330) 572-2101 jthompson@gpdgroup.com www.gpdgroup.com Greater Ohio Virtual School Brian Barot (513) 695-2977; fax: (513) 695-2588 brian.barot@warrencountyesc.com www.warrencountyesc.com Honeywell Duane Dickey 5025 Bradenton Avenue, Suite E Dublin, OH 43017 (419) 392-3368; fax: (614) 822-2430 duane.dickey@honeywell.com www.honeywell.com HydroStop/United Coatings Kim Bistromowitz 1465 Pipefitter Street N. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 745-9600; Fax: (843) 745-9602 info@hydro-stop.com ING Jan Schoolcraft 1700 Lyons Rd, Suite D Dayton, OH 45458 (800) 451-4702; fax: (937) 494-1675 jan.schoolcraft@us.ing.com www.ing.com Johnson Controls Inc. Thomas Erlenwein 835 Green Crest Dr. Westerville, OH 43081 (614) 895-6600; Fax: (614) 895-6670 thomas.l.erlenwein@jci.com www.jci.com 320 East Silver Street Lebanon, OH 45036
Legat & Kingscott Slyvia Kowalk 88 East Broad St, Suite 1200 Columbus, OH 43215 (888) 454-5437; fax: (614) 224-1568 sylvia@legatkingscott.com www.legatkingscott.com The Legend Group Todd Stout 2 Summit Park Drive, Suite 600 Independence, OH 44131 (800) 417-9099; fax: (216) 520-2672
The Renhill Group Jamila Hatcher 28315 Kensington Lane, Suite B Perrysburg, OH 43551 (419) 254-2800; fax: (419) 254-2915 jamila.hatcher@renhill.com www.renhill.com Robert W. Baird Mike Burns 10 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 629-6967; fax: (614) 629-6959 mkburns@rwbaird.com www.rwbaird.com Schneider Electric Nicholas Cattaneo 777 Brooksedge Plaza Drive Westerville, OH 43081 (614) 302-6450; Fax: (614) 818-7544 Nicholas.cattaneo@ schneider-electric.com www.schneider-electric.com Security Voice, Inc. Robert McCurdy 3496 Snouffer Rd, Suite 225 Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 760-2820; fax: (614) 760-2828 bob.m@securityvoice.com www.schoolhelpline.com Stantec Architecture Inc. Michael Carter 3700 Park East Dr, Suite 200 Cleveland, OH 44122 (216) 454-2152; fax: (216) 454-9995 michael.carter@burthill.com www.burthill.com TDA Architecture Robert Fiala 4135 Erie St. Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 269-2266; fax: (440) 269-2277 Rfiala@thendesign.com www.thendesign.com Trane Commercial Systems Mary Crespy 2300 CityGate Dr, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43219-3652 (614) 473-3500; fax: (614) 473-3501 mecrespy@trane.com www.trane.com Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance Steve Cowan 8 Main St Flemington, NJ 08822 (800) 628-7501; fax: (908) 782-1898 kospina67@gmail.com www.tremcoinc.com Turner Construction Denny Humbel 250 W. Court Street, Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 721-4224; fax: (513) 721-4231 dhumbel@tcco.com www.turnerconstruction.com
tstout@legendgroup.com www.legendgroup.com Limbach Samantha Schneider 822 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
(614) 554-2231; Fax: (614) 607-8092 samantha.schneider@limbachinc.com www.limbachinc.com MKC Associates Alvin Berger 40 West Fourth Street Mansfield, H 44902 (419) 525-1102; fax: (419) 525-1428 aberger@mkcinc.com www.mkcinc.com Ohio Energy Project Debby Yerkes 200 E. Wilson Bridge Road Suite 320 Worthington, OH 43085 (513) 688-1717; fax: (513) 528-8272 dyerkes@ohioenergy.org www.ohioenergy.org OHM Sarah Pilat 600 Creekside Plaza Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 418-0600; Fax: (614) 418-0614 sarah.pilat@ohm-advisors.com www.ohm-advisors.com PaySchools Patrick Ricci 6000 Grand Ave Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 247-4686; fax: (515) 243-4992 pricci@payschools.com www.payschools.com PublicSchoolWorks Tom Strasburger 1776 Mentor Ave, Suite 250 Cincinnati, OH 45212 www.publicschoolworks.com Rachel Wixey & Associates Parris Herstek 425 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 700 Toledo, OH 43604 (419) 725-9499 parris@rachelwixey.com www.rachelwixey.com RBC Capital Markets Katie Kleinfelder 414 Walnut St, Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 621-2000; fax: (513) 621-1865 Katie.Kleinfelder@rbccm.com www.rbccm.com (513) 631-6111; fax: (513) 631-6888 tstrasburger@publicschoolworks.com
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