(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
Plante Moran, PLLC 65 East State Street, Suite 600, Suite 2500, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 849-3000 • Fax: (614) 221-3535 www.plantemoran.com
University of Cincinnati P.O. Box 210002, Cincinnati, OH 45248 (513) 556-2884 • Fax: (513) 536-0827 katelyn.scott@uc.edu • www.cech.uc.edu
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Plante & Moran serves school districts, private schools, and charter school academies. Advisors bring deep knowledge to each engagement. Let the Plante Moran team help you improve your operations and plan for the future. Specialists include CPAs, technology professionals, management consultants, forensic accountants, and facilities/construction advisors ACOUSTICAL CONSULTING
The UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services offers professional development opportunities for K-12 teachers. Complete coursework in a flexible online delivery format, ideal for earning graduate credits required to renew or reinstate expired teaching licenses, enhancing your credentials, and furthering your education. Special tuition rates may apply. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES
THE WISE OWL “THEPlace to go for all your educationalneeds”
8/17/13 2:13 PM The Wise Owl 4409 Whipple Avenue NW, Canton, OH 44718 (330) 493-0158 • Fax: (330) 493-4634 thewiseowl@sbcglobal.net • www.thewiseowl.com
Campanella Associates 3201 Ridgewood Drive, Columbus, OH 43026 (614) 876-5108 • Fax: (6 4) 771-8740 a.campanella@worldnet.att.net • www.campanellaacoustics.com
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The Wise Owl carries a wide variety of products for all your educational needs in all subject areas from Preschool through High School, foreign language and Christian education, manipulatives, games, toys, puzzles, workbooks, idea books, posters, office supplies, bulletin board kits, borders,
Creating quieter schools since 1985, Campanella Associates provides acoustical educational space design (classroom speech intelligibility), voice and music practice & performance areas. HVAC Noise & Vibration control. Field testing of spaces. Building shell design against transportation noise (road, rail and air arteries & ports). Expert Witness Testimony. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Alpha & Omega Building Services 2843 Culver Avenue, Kettering, OH 45429-3725 (937) 298-2125 • Fax: (937) 298-8151 info@aobuildingservices.com • www.aobuildingservices.com Alpha & Omega is the contract cleaner of choice for over 100 school buildings in Ohio. Maintenance and Carpet Cleaning services also provided. Ohio owned and operated since 1986.
letters, plan and grade books, stickers and more. PLAYGROUND SURFACING Midwest Elastomers, Inc. 700 Industrial Drive, P.O. Box #412, Wapakoneta, OH 45895 (419) 738-8844 • Fax: (419) 738-7647 kjacobs@midwestelastomers.com • www.midwestelastomers.com
The Premier Manufacturer of colored rubber mulch, nuggets, colored/black EPDM, buffings and polyurethanes for application in playgrounds, athletic tracks and various other surfacing applications.
SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION International Masonry Institute 5171 Hudson Drive, Suite “A”, Hudson, OH 44236 (330) 342-0365 • Fax: (330) 342-0367 www.imiweb.org
The International Masonry Institute, provides services to contractors, designers, owners, and craftworkers through training, marketing, technical services, continuing education, and research/ development. IMI’s programs are a reinvestment by the organized masonry industry in the future of design and construction.
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