Drug Awareness Program
Timothy J. Plancon Special Agent in Charge Detroit Field Division
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Timothy J. Plancon received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University in 1991. Mr. Plancon entered the Washtenaw Michigan Police Academy in 1992 and was a police officer for the City of Ferndale, Michigan from 1993-1997 where he became a SWAT officer, evidence technician and field training officer. Mr. Plancon became a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 1997 at the Detroit Division Office and, upon completion of the DEA Academy in Quantico, Virginia, was transferred to the New York Division, New York City Office in 1997. In 1998, Mr. Plancon completed a Master of Liberal Studies (MLS) Degree in Interdisciplinary Technology with concentrations in Information Security and Police Administration from Eastern Michigan University. He continued to serve in the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force until 2004 targeting some of the most notorious domestic and international illicit narcotic trafficking organizations. SAC Plancon transferred to the Detroit Division Office in 2004 and was promoted to a Supervisory Special Agent (Group Supervisor) position at the Detroit Division Office in 2006 where he led the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) funded combined Financial Investigations Team, Asset Removal Group, and the Oakland-Macomb Interdiction Team, which comprised the largest Task Force Group in the Detroit Division. As a Group Supervisor he oversaw the successful investigation of several major cases that not only targeted violent inner- city Drug Trafficking Organizations, but also international drug distribution and money laundering networks. In 2011, SAC Plancon was reassigned to DEA Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia as an Inspector in the Office of Inspections. In 2013, Mr. Plancon was promoted to the position of Senior Inspector where he led teams of Inspectors during the on-site inspection of multiple domestic divisions, foreign regions, and other internal components. In March 2014, Mr. Plancon was selected for the position of Assistant Special Agent in Charge in the Detroit Field Division's Columbus District Office where he was responsible for supervising five DEA offices (Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, and Youngstown) covering the majority of Ohio. Mr. Plancon was instrumental in the creation and expansion of heroin overdose investigation teams in conjunction with leading DEA in the fight against the heroin and opioid epidemic throughout the State of Ohio. In March 2016, Mr. Plancon was selected for the position of Special Agent in Charge of DEA’s Detroit Field Division where his area of responsibility encompasses the states of Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky.
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