House and Senate Bills 131st General Assembly


SCHOOL AIR CONDITIONING (ANTANI N) Regarding appropriations to the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission and to require the Commission and the Department of Education to study the status of school buildings regarding air conditioning, accessibility, school safety, and other amenities. Current Status: 11/27/2018 - House Education and Career Readiness, (First Hearing) State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-738 HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS (SYKES E) To require the State Board of Education to develop and adopt health education standards for grades kindergarten through twelve and to require only venereal disease education standards and curriculum adopted by the State Board to be approved by concurrent resolution of the General Assembly. Current Status: 11/13/2018 - Referred to Committee House Education and Career Readiness State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-752 FOOD ALLERGY TRAINING (ANIELSKI M) To enact the "Allison Rose Suhy Act" with regard to food allergy training for public schools and institutions of higher education. Current Status: 12/13/2018 - House Government Accountability and Oversight, (First Hearing) State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-776 INCOME TAX ROUNDING (MERRIN D) To lower income tax rates by the amount necessary to round each tax rate percentage down to the nearest one-tenth of one per cent, beginning in 2018, and to require that future tax rates be expressed in increments of one-tenth of one per cent. Current Status: 11/28/2018 - Introduced State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-777 SCHOOL BUS FAILURE TO STOP (ANTANI N) To enhance the penalties for failing to stop for a school bus that is picking up or dropping of school children, to require the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to create a graphic that instructs drivers to stop for such a school bus, to require a deputy registrar to post the graphic at the deputy registrar's location, and to make an appropriation. Current Status: 12/13/2018 - Introduced State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-786 PUBLIC HEARINGS-TIME LIMITS (RAMOS D) To require bills and resolutions introduced by a certain time to be referred to a committee and scheduled for a public committee hearing within sixty days of the referral. Current Status: 12/20/2018 - Introduced State Bill Page: summary?id=GA132-HB-788






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