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Buckeye Association of School Administrators

Professional Development Newsletter


Buckeye Association of School Administrators

August Events

Gearing up for the new school year!

August 12 — President’s Installation

Michael Tefs, will be installed as the new BASA President. The installation will take place at Wooster City Schools. August 27 — 28 Ohio Principal Evaluation System Training In order to evaluate principals, evaluators must be credentialed through the Ohio Department of Education. BASA is offering a two - day training seminar on OPES to ensure that participants will have the tools necessary to implement the system and pass the required online credentialing test.

Go to STARS on the ODE website to register.

September Events September 4 — Regional Meeting at BASA, Columbus, Ohio September 10 — Regional Meeting at Levis Commons at Bowling Green

University at Perrysburg, Ohio

September 11 — Regional Meeting at Logan Hocking High School, Logan, Ohio September 16 — Regional Meeting at Montgomery County ESC, Dayton, Ohio September 17 — Regional Meeting at The ESC Conference Center (Cuyahoga

County), Independence, Ohio

BASA is proud to present regional meetings within close proximity of your district. This series will focus on an update from an ODE senior leader. You will also hear from Forecast5, a premier partner, ….. Finally, BASA will give participants the latest legisla- tive update! Register for this event today ! September 9 — BASA Special Education Conference at DoubleTree Hotel Worthington BASA will utilize Bricker and Eckler staff to inform participants of any changes in Special Education laws for the 2014 - 2015 school year. Participants will learn tips to successfully run your special education program. This is a very in- formative workshop. Register now!

September Events (continued)

September 11 & 12 — BASA How to School Finance

Don’t miss the Fall

BASA will have Joel Roscoe provide a two - day workshop to strengthen the understanding of school finance. Participants will learn about the “bridge” formula and other aspects of school finance. Register on the BASA website.


September 30 and

September 30 — BASA Fall Conference at the Polaris Hilton Hotel.

October 1 at the

Polaris Hilton

This year’s conference proves to be a valuable professional de- velopment for superintendents and central office staff. The con- ference features Jeff Nischwitz who will challenge your thinking about leadership. The conference also has 24 breakout sessions designed to hit hot topics and innovative practices.


October Events

requests from you to hear him again, so we are bringing him back! David will give two energizing and informative presentations — ”Overcoming Life’s Goliaths” and “Leadership Redefined” Register now for

October 1 — BASA Fall Conference

The keynote speaker will be Steve Dembo who is an expert on technology. He will pro- vide insight into using technology to move your organization forward! You will also hear

this GREAT event!

September 11 & 12 & October 21 & 22 BASA How to School Finance


a BASA legislative update!

for the BASA Fall Conference is open.

BASA will repeat the September session again in October. See descriptor above!

October 14 — David Weber Conference

David Weber was the keynote speaker at the 2013 BASA Fall Conference. We had many

Register on the BASA website .

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