November AdminiScope
Senate Bill 3 To Emerge from House Education Committee?
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As the House Education Committee heard testimony on the bill, several amendments were being mentioned as possibilities, but none has yet been added to the proposed legislation. These include the following: • Repeal of the teachers’ salary schedule based on years of service and training; • Authority for principals to recommend teachers for their schools; • Delay in the requirement for awarding credit based on subject area competency from 2016-17 to 2017-18; • Removal of instruction in CPR training and AED instruction as requirements for a student’s high school graduation; • Requirement for collective bargaining agreements with teachers to contain provisions for placement of teachers based on mutual consent of the teacher and the principal. In addition to SB 3 moving out of committee during the lame duck session, it is also anticipated that House Bill 410 addressing truancy and student discipline will emerge from the Senate Education Committee. A Great time to Lead - continued from page 1 Public education faces many challenges in our state. While many claim to have the answers, no one is more important to education in Ohio than you. Committed, quality leadership at the district level will make the difference. You can influence policy decisions, lead effective implementation, increase community understanding, and change attitudes. While the work is difficult, it is worth it. Over the next 20-30 years, you will be viewed as a pioneer. Things are going to change, and you will be the ones who were in the midst of the change. Our students and communities will look to you for leadership – in all the traditional ways, but also in many ways that we don’t often think about. How we lead with our attitudes will be critical. It’s dumb if we say it isn't or act like it isn't. It is a burden if we say it is. It’s an opportunity if we carry ourselves that way. Our approach to the future will be important. If we carry the proper approach we will lay a foundation that will stand the test of time and serve our students well. Your leadership will make the difference. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you and work with you each day. Ours is noble work. Ours is work that makes the difference that everyone can see but few who see it relate the successes they observe back to us. Ours is work that opens doors, reveals opportunity and offers hope that some would never see without our leadership. Ours is work that shapes the future of young men and young women, and in the end, shapes our communities. Ours is work that frequently is not acknowledged through outward praise or words of thanks. Ours is work that makes a difference. On behalf of the entire BASA staff we would like to express our thanks to you for the service you provide to your students and communities. We thank you for sharing your immense talents with others for their betterment. We thank you for the difference you make each day and encourage you to capture a quiet moment during this season so that you can reflect upon the great work you do and the many successes of which you have been a part in 2016. So however you celebrate this holiday season, may it be a time of peace and happiness for you and your families. Sincerely, Kirk Hamilton
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