(PUB) Morningstar FundInvestor

Morningstar FundInvestor Volume 22 , Number 3 Director of Fund Research and Editor Russel Kinnel Contributing Analysts Greg Carlson, Eric Jacobson, Kevin McDevitt, Flynn Murphy Copy Editors Edward Cavanaugh, Thad Doria, Jennifer Ferone Gierat, Elizabeth Knapik Designer Claudia Olariu Quality Assurance Sandra Benedict Publisher Peggy Seemann Director of Active Fund Research Michael Herbst Director of Personal Finance Christine Benz President, Research Don Phillips © 2013 Morningstar, Inc. All rights re- served. Reproduction by any means is prohibited. While data contained in this report are gathered from reliable sources, accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.The publisher does not give investment advice or act as an investment advisor. All data, information, and opinions are subject to change without notice. Reprints of articles and information ap- pearing in this publication are available in quantity: reprints@morningstar.com Inquiries about your subscription? newslettersupport@morningstar.com Please address all correspondence to Peggy Seemann, Morningstar, Inc., 22 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602 . Occasionally, we make our subscriber list available to carefully screened companies that offer products and services that we believe would in- terest our readers. If you do not want to receive these offers and/or in- formation, please send your request by mail to: Morningstar, Inc. Attn: Circulation, 22 W. Washington St., Chicago, IL 60602. Morningstar FundInvestor (ISSN 1099- 0402) is published monthly by Morn- ingstar, Inc., 22 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602 . For address changes, please call our product support line at 312-424-4288 . For subscriptions call: toll-free 866-608-9570 . Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Morningstar FundInvestor, 22 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602 . FSN 201311 (ISSN 1099-0402) This publication is printed on Cascades Rolland Enviro 100 Satin paper, which contains 100% postconsumer waste fiber and is manufactured using biogas energy.

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