(PUB) Morningstar FundInvestor

December 2013

Morningstar FundInvestor


Tracking Gold-Rated Funds

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

Trailing 10 Years Batting Average

Trailing 5 Years Batting Average

Trailing 3 Years Batting Average

Asset Group

US Stock

67.93 83.74 81.53 95.20 92.21

50.72 78.21 51.52 77.78 63.77

69.06 71.41 70.59 40.56 86.49

49.11 60.00 47.27 31.82 51.61

69.11 72.28 73.22 89.20 91.37

45.74 57.81 32.08 27.27 59.09

Taxable Bond

International Stock

Municipal Bond


Data through Nov. 30, 2013. Batting Average and % picks in top quartiles are for Gold/Picks funds only. The results are compared with category average.

Corrected Past-Performance Calculations

August 2013 Issue

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

Trailing 10 Years Batting Average

Trailing 5 Years Batting Average

Trailing 3 Years Batting Average

Asset Group

US Stock

67.93 82.11 76.23 95.08 90.94

47.9 64.8 49.3 85.2 63.4

68.14 80.93 75.98 90.00 92.95

45.6 60.3 45.0 61.9 58.0

62.44 67.26 68.89 81.43 92.91

43.4 50.9 41.8 22.7 55.4

Taxable Bond

International Stock

Municipal Bond


Data through July 31, 2013. Batting Average and % picks in top quartiles are for Gold/Picks funds only. The results are compared with category average.

September 2013 Issue

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

Trailing 10 Years Batting Average

Trailing 5 Years Batting Average

Trailing 3 Years Batting Average

Asset Group

US Stock

68.35 82.83 81.80 94.59 91.05

57.14 71.60 50.77 77.78 65.22

69.81 79.34 75.49 90.03 92.91

50.88 54.93 40.74 61.90 57.58

65.27 68.40 70.84 88.27 92.91

48.45 50.77 43.40 36.36 56.25

Taxable Bond

International Stock

Municipal Bond


Data through Aug. 31, 2013. Batting Average and % picks in top quartiles are for Gold/Picks funds only. The results are compared with category average.

October 2013 Issue

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

% Gold in Top Quartile

Trailing 10 Years Batting Average

Trailing 5 Years Batting Average

Trailing 3 Years Batting Average

Asset Group

US Stock

68.50 70.28 81.16 92.41 89.13

51.80 78.48 50.77 77.78 65.71

68.28 67.64 69.00 86.16 94.12

50.44 64.29 42.86 54.55 57.58

66.38 58.52 79.80 81.75 94.81

46.39 55.38 35.85 36.36 58.73

Taxable Bond

International Stock

Municipal Bond


Data through Sept. 30, 2013. Batting Average and % picks in top quartiles are for Gold/Picks funds only. The results are compared with category average.

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