Professional Report

also applies to community schools.


The abatement shall include a schedule for completion of the abatement of conditions determined through the inspection to be hazardous to occupants of the building. For a quick reference guide to the scope of the inspections and recommended abatements for certain conditions, please see Appendix O. For the 2014-2015 school year report card ratings, schools and districts will not be subject to various sanctions and penalties, including: 1)school restructuring (except as required by federal law); 2)provisions for academic distress commissions; 3)educational choice scholarships program eligibility; 4)provisions defining “challenged school districts” in which new start- up community schools may be located. 1)Performance index score for each district and for each school within the district; 2) Student performance growth from year to year; 3)Current per pupil operating expenditures; 4) Percentage of operating expenditures spent for classroom instruction; and 5)Performance of, and opportunities provided to, gifted students. With the exception of the third grade English language arts assessment, a student’s score on any of the required state assessment cannot be used as a factor in any decision to promote or to deny to promote or in any decision to grant course credit. School districts are also permitted, but not required, to enter into a memorandum of understanding with their teachers’ unions to stipulate that the value-added progress dimension based on the results of the assessments administered in the 2014-2015 school year will not be used when making decisions regarding teacher dismissal, retention, tenure, or compensation. The "administrator" of specified schools, preschools, college preparatory schools, and educational centers and facilities are required to develop and adopt a comprehensive emergency management plan that incorporates a floor plan, site plan, and emergency contact information sheet, in addition to protocols for threats and emergency events. The plan is to be submitted on standardized forms developed by ODE. The plan’s development is to include community law enforcement and safety officials and parents of students and employees assigned to that building. The “administrator” is required to submit the plans to ODE, and the department then submits plans to the Attorney General and the Director of Public Safety. Each administrator also is required annually to review the plan and certify its accuracy to the Department, as well as to update the plan every three years, whenever major modifications require changes, or whenever information on the emergency contact information sheet is In addition, the following school district and school rankings are prohibited for the report cards issued for the 2014-2015 school year:



Temporary Law in HB 487 (Section 16) in the 130 th GA



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