Professional Report


that a student of compulsory school age has withdrawn and is not enrolled in and attending a program leading to a high school diploma. After receiving the notice, the registrar of motor vehicles is required to suspend or deny application for a temporary instructor’s permit or driver’s license. Permissive authority is provided for superintendents to notify in the case of habitual absenteeism and expulsion or suspension for use or possession of drugs and alcohol. However, the notice is mandatory if the student is suspended, expelled, removed, or permanently excluded for misconduct involving a firearm, knife or other weapon. That notice must be made within two weeks after the suspension, removal, expulsion, or permanent exclusion is issued. The superintendent of a city, exempted village, local, or joint vocational school district may issue an age and schooling permit (often referred to as a “work permit”). 1)Is not addicted to any habit that would detract from the child’s “reliability or effectiveness; 2)Is able to read, write, and perform fundamental mathematical operations (if a resident of the district for the last two years; 3)“Diligently attended” the previous school district and the current school district since enrolling (if a resident less than two years); 4)Has enrolled in the district since the beginning of the last school term and “instruction adapted to the child’s needs is not provided or available in the district;” or 5)Must provide for the child’s own support or for support for parents or siblings but such support cannot be rendered outside of regular school hours. (This final condition cannot be given without the written consent by the juvenile judge and by the department of job and family services. In addition, the following documents are also required: a pledge of the employer; evidence of a physical examination showing that the child is fit for the proposed employment; and documentation of the age of the child. A child who receives an age and schooling certificate under any of the above conditions (and until July 1, 2016) must “diligently attend,” in addition to part-time classes, evening classes that may be available to the child for “literacy, citizenship, or vocational preparation.” If classes are not available, the child will complete reading and study assigned by the superintendent and report monthly to the superintendent. The certificate is required for the employment of minors in most occupations with the most notable exceptions being work on a family farm or any employment by one’s parents. Beginning July 1, 2016, the superintendent may issue the certificate only to a child over sixteen years of age if the child and parent provide acceptable proof and a written agreement that one of the above conditions is met and that the child is enrolled in a competency-based instructional program to earn a high school diploma. The superintendent (or designee) can also revoke the certificate for noncompliance with legal requirements, the child’s physical condition, the failure to attend part-time classes (if required), or for other “sufficient cause.” Until July 1, 2016, the superintendent may issue the certificate under the following conditions, which specify that the child:





All such certificates are to be filed electronically with the Director of the

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