Professional Report

Pupil Transportation Operation and Safety Rules – July 2013

(2) A white, flashing strobe light, individually switched, may be used, when unfavorable atmospheric conditions or time of day limit visibility (e.g. fog, rain, snow, darkness). (3) Four-way hazard lights shall be activated at railroad crossings and turn-arounds unless prohibited by local ordinance. (4) The bus driver shall not leave a school bus unattended with pupils on board except when loading or unloading pre-school and special needs children or in the event of an emergency. Drivers who must leave their driver’s position for these purposes shall not leave the immediate vicinity of the bus, except for an emergency. (5) The driver shall not leave the bus until the brakes are set, the engine stopped and the ignition key removed, with the exception for buses equipped with wheelchair lifts or diesel engines that require the engine to be running. (6) At the conclusion of each route or trip, the driver shall ensure all passengers have left the bus by visually inspecting each seat position. Additional procedures for drivers post-trip inspections are detailed in the Ohio preservice driver training manual. (educa- It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to determine the location of all school bus stops which shall be approved annually by the districts board of education. Authority to designate or relocate subsequent school bus stops may be delegated by the board of education to the superintendent or designee. Bus stops and a time schedule shall be adopted and put in force by the board not earlier than thirty days prior to and not later than ten days after the beginning of the school term. (1) Pupils in grades kindergarten through eight may be required to walk up to one-half mile to a designated bus stop. (2) School bus stop locations shall provide for the maximum safety of pupils giving consideration to distance from residence, traffic volume, physical characteristics, visibility and weather conditions. (3) School bus stops shall be established on the residence side of all

3301-83-13 School bus routes and stops.

(A) Designation of school bus stops

(B) School bus stop location


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