Professional Report

Pupil Transportation Operation and Safety Rules – July 2013

(D) Each bus shall have a detailed route sheet on board which shall include the following: (1) Direction to designated stops; (2) Time schedule; (3) Designated stop; (4) Driver-designated place of safety; (5) Number of riders at each stop location and residence side; and (6) List identifying road hazards.

(E) If practical, each route shall have a responsible student designated to assist a substitute bus driver with each route.

Effective: 02/25/2007 R.C. 119.032 review dates: 11/29/2006 and 02/25/2012 Promulgated Under: 119.03 Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 4511.76 Rule Amplifies: 3327.01, 3327.12, 4511.76 Prior Effective Dates: 10/22/84, 7/1/91, 10/5/98, 11/13/01

3301-83-14 Records and reports. Each school transportation vehicle owner or operator shall maintain and make available for inspection the following records for the management and reporting of the pupil transportation program. (A) Maintenance and repair: (1) Records to document that reported mechanical deficiencies discovered during inspections were corrected. (2) A maintenance and repair record for each school transportation vehicle. (3) Documented proof of pre-trip inspection for each school transportation vehicle must be kept on file for no less than twelve months. (B) An accounting system for fuel consumption and costs for routine and non-routine use of school buses and annual operating costs by vehicle and by fleet as prescribed by the Ohio department of education form T-2, if applicable.


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