Professional Report

time and in an emergency situation.

If a school has such devices installed, staff members must be trained in the use of the barricade devices, and records must be maintained to verify this training. The school is also responsible for notifying the chiefs (or their equivalents) of the local law enforcement agency and local fire department of the installation of the devices. Each school having smoke detectors or a sprinkler system must conduct at least six fire drills during the school year. Each school not having smoke detectors or a sprinkler system must conduct at least nine fire drills during the school year. In addition, each school must conduct at least three safety drills with students participating and in conjunction with the local police chief or similar chief law enforcement officer. While these three drills can be combined with the nine fire drills (for schools with no smoke detectors or sprinkler system), at least one of the safety drills for all schools must provide a scenario where students are secured in the building and not evacuated. Also, an additional “theoretical” safety drill (which does not require student participation) must also be conducted for faculty and staff. (It could be part of an annual training session for staff. By December 5 of each year, the principal must certify to the police chief or similar law enforcement officer the date and time that each safety drill was conducted in the previous school year and that will be conducted during the current school year. At least one fire drill or safety drill must be conducted each month during the school year. (At the discretion of the principal, both a fire drill and a safety drill can be conducted in the same month.)



All safety drills must be conducted in accordance with the school’s emergency management plan.



While school districts may offer driver education courses to their students, they cannot require their students to enroll in the district’s course in lieu of training from a private driver training school. Principals are required to provide an annual notice to students in which they describe the procedure whereby students elects either the private driver training school or the school district’s course (if available).

No student can receive credit toward graduation for completing a driver education course.



If a school district offers its own driver education program, it may require enrolled students to pay a course fee, but the fee cannot exceed the actual cost per pupil of providing driver education.


However, a fee cannot be charged to a student who is eligible for free lunch.



A dropout is a student who withdraws from school before completing requirements for graduation and who does not enroll in an education program approved by the state board of education or an educational program outside Ohio.

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