Professional Report
Public records maintained by the dissolved ESC in connection with services provided to the client districts shall be transferred to the client districts. All other public records shall be transferred to the Ohio Historical Society for analysis and disposition. When an ESC is dissolved, the territory of a local school district located within that ESC does not automatically become part of the ESC which will provide services following the dissolution of the former ESC. It would appear that the local school district must select and contract with any ESC for those services. This section describes the funding of educational service centers (including supervisory units and per pupil deductions) and authorizes ESC’s to provide direct special education, gifted education, and driver education classes for students. Each city or exempted village school district with a contract with an ESC under ORC 3313.843 is considered to be securing supervisory services from that ESC. However, any district with an enrollment greater than 16,000 students may elect not to receive supervisory services so long as that election is specified in the agreement. If a juvenile detention facility contracts with an educational service center for services for the students in the custody of the facility, the ESC may bill directly to the school district responsible for the cost of educating the student. The bill for these services does not need to “pass through” the school district in which the juvenile detention facility is physically located. The number of governing board members of an educational service center may vary somewhat. Under legislation enacted in 1995, educational service centers formed by combining two or more such centers (formerly, county boards of education) may have five members. Law specifies how the initial members of the new educational service centers are named. If the plan for the new educational service center provides that members will be elected from sub-districts, the initial members of the new service center are all board members currently holding office in the combining service centers. The plan for such a service center can specify up to nine sub-districts of nearly equal population. The plan can be developed by the entire board or by an executive committee of the governing board appointed by the governing board. Board members then are elected from the sub-districts at the next municipal election. After at least one election of board members, the elected governing board members may by resolution adopt a plan to add appointed members (who may be representatives of the client districts) to the governing board. The number of appointed members shall be up to one member less than the elected board members, and these appointed members shall be appointed by a majority of the elected governing board members. The plan, which will specify terms and qualifications of the appointed members, must be submitted to the state board of education for approval and becomes effective thirty days after the state board approval. By a unanimous vote, the elected governing board members may revise or rescind the plan, but the state board must approve or disapprove of the plan or suggest modifications. If the state board approves, the plan will go into effect as provided in the plan revision or
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